Stuck on 'Magic Sucks'

Stuck on 'Magic Sucks'

in Personal Story

Posted by: smeen.4237


I play as a Sylvari Mesmer, and never had any issues until this part of my personal story. I am level 53, as the quest suggests, but I keep dying… The Risen Grubs are alright but as soon as the risen Krait arrive I’m basically screwed. Do you guys have any suggestions on how to get through this mission?

Stuck on 'Magic Sucks'

in Personal Story

Posted by: cali rae.7106

cali rae.7106

I have been playing alone from the beginning, now I find that there is no way to get through my story by myself. I die a million deaths, until i am almost broke. it is nothing but work and I am finding the game at this point extremely boring or just plain frustrating. Can’t even fight my way through as they just respawn. Not much fun I am a level 80 Norn Elementalist.

Stuck on 'Magic Sucks'

in Personal Story

Posted by: Dinny.5310


I really don’t want to make any assumptions about you two, but… Play better/smarter? Mess around with builds?

I know it isn’t that easy to get through the personal story missions as a light armor class, but it was still very manageable for my friends and I. We did our stories separately all the way to the very end. Here are my suggestions:

- If you’re squishy, do personal story quests at about 3-4 levels above the recommended level.
- Make sure all your armor and weaps are as up-to-date as possible. While I could coast through 30 levels without changing the armor on my guardian, I could not get away with it for my thief or ele.
- Stay on the move. Run, roll, kite all over the place.
- For “Magic Sucks” specifically: I am not 100% sure, but if my memory serves me correctly, you don’t have to actually use Gorr’s polarizer. You can use your normal weapons if you’re finding they work better. Otherwise, when using the polarizer, you should suck three times, knock back, and then use 3. And just repeat that over and over.

Dinny [Asura/Guardian] – Annachponae [Asura/Thief]

Stuck on 'Magic Sucks'

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

The story steps are set up so that if you can complete a skill challenge (of the same level) solo, you can do the story step. If an equal level veteran is too tough for you, look at your build and gear and see if you can boost your longevity. Straight DPS (“glass cannon”) builds will not do very well. There are very few cases where enemies respawn, and if they do, there’s a way to shut them off.

Stuck on 'Magic Sucks'

in Personal Story

Posted by: Flimzy.1837


I had trouble on this mission myself.
I too am a sylvari mesmer, and I basically did all the story missions five levels under recommendation, so I don’t think your build/playstyle is the problem.

Anyway, you know how he wants you to test his weapon?
Ignore him; it’s not actually required of you, and that thing is uber-terribad.

If I’m wrong or you just really want to use the polorizer, just never lose the third charge and keep your clone spam ultilites/anything else that will help you kite, that’s what I ended up doing after feeling like ignoring the weapon was illegitimate.