Suggestion - scale in difficulty

Suggestion - scale in difficulty

in Personal Story

Posted by: Silken Mist.1703

Silken Mist.1703

The last quest of my personal story line is a dungeon. When I enter it, there is a pop up saying that the recommended party size is at least 5. I have not been able to find a party large enough in the time I have. Therefore, this means that I am being prevented from finishing the storyline. I think that is a huge downfall of the game.

Yes, I know, I’m not that good, and there are a ton of people who are much better than I am. However, I feel that even the people who don’t have a ton of time to become an expert in game play should still have access to and experience all aspects of the game (remember it’s just a game and games should be enjoyable for all). That’s not to say don’t make it challenging. Please, by all means, make it challenging. However, the necessity of having 5 people in the party to complete a personal story quest is beyond challenging in my opinion.

A simple solution to this would be to expand just one game mechanic that is already in place. That mechanic to expand is that characters levels scale to the area that they are in. So, why would it be such a bad thing (or hard to achieve) to have the dungeons difficulty scale to the size of the party that is entering? By just expanding this one function that is already in place, players of all skill levels can enjoy all aspects of the game.

Suggestion - scale in difficulty

in Personal Story

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Hi Silken,

I disagree with you, but before giving the arguments I first want to point out the LFG-tool (press Y). This is incredible helpfull in finding a group for that dungeon.

I know what the real issue is and that is that this is too sudden. All dungeons are designed to make storymode part of the overall story. You actually have two main story’s: The personal story and the story told in dungeons. These 2 lines come together in Arah storymode.

However, the design of the dungeon is made that it is more then challenging to do them on the recommended level. Therefor most people dont even try (you wont find a team) and they concentrate on the personal story only.

Then all off a sudden these two merge all the way at the end. So Yeah I can udnerstand that many people are dissapointed. However this is an MMO and I think that it is important that the original idea behind it should be fixed.

So my solution is to make all story mode dungeons part off the personal story. So after meeting destiny’s edge in LA you must do ascalonian catacombs. To make this possible they should nerf the story mode dungeons big time so it is actually doable for a party with 5 level 30’s (and with doable I mean without spending 50 silver on armor repairs).

This way you get the full experience off the story, and you are introduced early on in an important feature in the game called dungeons.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Suggestion - scale in difficulty

in Personal Story

Posted by: Silken Mist.1703

Silken Mist.1703

Thank you for your reply. I understand why you disagree with me. However, I still feel that the story line should be allowable to be completed if you can’t find a large enough party.

Yes, it is an MMO, so use the scaling to get it more challenging and go into the dungeon with 5 – 10 players. I’m not saying do away with the ability to form a group.

So, in essence, if someone can’t find a group, they can still complete the dungeons. If they can, they can do the dungeon with a higher difficulty with their party of 5 or more. You still will have the MMO aspect of the game (not to mention the MMO aspects of WvW and PvP).

So, while I understand your point of view, and thank you for your reply, I still think it should be done.