The Fall of Falcon Company

The Fall of Falcon Company

in Personal Story

Posted by: Feywray.4351


In The Fall of Falcon Company personal story quest, at the end, Logan asks you to complete his records and and you have the option to tell him that you and your sister were of either Krytan, Elonian, Canthan, or Ascalonian decent. Does anyone know how the answer to this affects the quest line later on?

The Fall of Falcon Company

in Personal Story

Posted by: Taurethion.7302


No, it just changes the appearance of… someone later on. It’s cosmetic. Krytans were kind of hispanic looking, Canthans sort of asian appearing, Elonians most similar to africans, and Ascalonians to europeans. So, unless you have a specific ancestry picked out, you can pick the one that matches how you made your character look.

The Fall of Falcon Company

in Personal Story

Posted by: hplinkett.5023


thanks for the informative post, taurethion! these sorts of choices tend to cripple me with indecision…