The Guild Wars / Guild Wars 2 Story, Charracters, All.

The Guild Wars / Guild Wars 2 Story, Charracters, All.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Tearthy Flame.1463

Tearthy Flame.1463

So, all of this starts from the first game Guild Wars, the lore to this game is amazeing a story that feels real in a fantasy way but it still gave a great story even though the characters could not do much animation. I have only compleated Eye of the North and the story was not built like the one in Guild Wars 2 at all; when I look back at it the charracter I was, she didnt have a back story but my roll in it was being apart of a team that did great things, I was a voice of reason amung all the other characters that would of never combined forces soon enough. The Norn, Asura, came into the Guild Wars story in EotN and only the Asura have really keept most of who they are. A Norn charracter named, Jora, really shows who a true Norn is and she continued her fight through loseing her Brother to Jormag’s corrupting magic and the ability to change into her animal spirit, but put the task of killing her Brother first. Norn are ment to be strong characters that would go into battle by themselfs against an army: A very agressive, insane, tall, barbarian, that love drinking. I love that about the Norn feeling like someone that is very brave, to do the unthinkable just to not be forgotten. Yes it is a insane thing to grasp but that is how they are shown in Eye of the North.

I’m sad that the spirit of the Norn is not truely captured in Guild Wars 2, from who they are in the Guild Wars. Its what I love about them. Yes they were silly in some ways but the force of a Norn is not in Guild Wars 2.

Guild Wars 2 shows alot of lore from the first game even things that have happened in the game, that is very awesome to be honest, that ArenaNet has the Lore to build from, even the game map. Alot of efort is put into the game no one can ignore that.

But unlike Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2 has a story that is ment to be Personal for a player but everyone would have the same ending with killing, Zhaitan, one of many Elder Dragon’s that will only bring death to all. it sounds like a story of a victory that could be imposible to reach. Many have died because of Zhaitan yet the ones brave enough to fight him would know a little would make a difrance, but still have to continue this battle because there is more Elder Dragon’s that will continue to bring only death with the hunger they have.

If I was plunged into this tale where the wrath of an Elder Dragon is truely shown, that would give me or maybe any other player a reason to continue the story. It would feel like a Lore is being created. I understand that the story should have guide lines but it being part Personal Story that should at least be used to develop the story in a big or small way and alot of the Player’s Character, like making a choice that could make all of Ebonhawk hate the Player’s Charracter, the player would have to try to make that a right if possible.

I know I am just a fan of Guild Wars 2, but I do honestly think ArenaNet did not really get to show what they want the writing and story to be in the game because it was watered down to fit a age group.

“I don’t take insults from a tree! Have at you, leafy!”

The Guild Wars / Guild Wars 2 Story, Charracters, All.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

I don’t really get what you’re wanting to show either >.<

The Guild Wars / Guild Wars 2 Story, Charracters, All.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Tearthy Flame.1463

Tearthy Flame.1463

What I am saying based on my opinion and so many other players, and what we saw in ArenaNet’s word about the story of GW2. Is that we were going to have a character that we could shape into what we want, and I’m talking about how ArenaNet seemed to have got distracted from how great of a story they can build off of the world they made.

“I don’t take insults from a tree! Have at you, leafy!”

The Guild Wars / Guild Wars 2 Story, Charracters, All.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

They did implement that (the personality part, just not really important).
Giving you choices of story quests is also part of how you shape your character. One of the cooler ones imo is the ‘fears’ portion, where you do a quest chain pending on your biggest fear in life. That’s a big part of your character I’d say

The Guild Wars / Guild Wars 2 Story, Charracters, All.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Tearthy Flame.1463

Tearthy Flame.1463

I am sorry I did not mention what I allready know about the story. I know the story starts out personal but then the plot with Trahearne, mostly takes away from what I have done in the story, from ever mattering at the end of it. Or makeing any one feel like they were a Hero at all.

And I remember answering a question from the mother tree about what my fear is, it was about causeing someone to suffer because of the orders I have to follow. I can only relate that to a bad choice in my story, being captured by the krait to get an orb to use to protect Fort Trinity from Zhaitan raiseing any dead bodys around it. while getting the orb a Norn that wanted to work with me on a mission, was turned into Zhaitan’s minion after all of are eforts. Otherwise I cannot really say I went through my character’s fear…

Yeah I do see there is feeling and personality in are characters, but I’m talking about wanting to make the Player’s character one of the big heros, like the Destinys Edge group, not one is thankd for all the work they did togeather.

Overall have a choice in what are characters want to do about Zhaitan.

“I don’t take insults from a tree! Have at you, leafy!”

(edited by Tearthy Flame.1463)

The Guild Wars / Guild Wars 2 Story, Charracters, All.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Tearthy Flame.1463

Tearthy Flame.1463

Zhaitan is the Player’s epic moment, no one had the chance to see characters in their story come back to help them defeat the Dragon. And honestly it was silly how exstreamly weak he was, and I know DE’s in the world and through out the story players have been weakening him. But he just became another NPC in the game and did not feel like a Boss…

I overall just bring up how the options at character creation were not fully used, and the ending of GW2, even how the player is put as the sidekick of a “know it all” character.

Im a disapointed fan, i still want the game but I dont want my Collector’s Edition.

“I don’t take insults from a tree! Have at you, leafy!”