Third race-specific biography choice

Third race-specific biography choice

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sorin.6713


For example with Norn, you choose which of the four spirits of the wild you are closest to. With humans, you choose one of the six gods, etc. Has anyone found out what these actually do?

So far the only acknowledgement of these choices I’ve seen is that if you’re Norn, the speaker for your chosen spirit in Hoelbrak will make note of it.

Third race-specific biography choice

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

From what I understand, it’s mostly for future expansion upon the personal story, and not important for anyone right now.

Third race-specific biography choice

in Personal Story

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


Sad. The racial storylines are some of the best. Hopefully future expansions will tie all the storylines together.

Third race-specific biography choice

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ramei.2715


Asura first mentor, sylvari time of birth, don’t effect you either. Haven’t played human enough to notice, but I’m guessing choice of deity has no effect either. You can tell developers biased in favor of charr by the fact that third question does effect their PS.

On the other hand, they gave charr hardest starting area, hearts jump levels so it difficult to level between them, and worst city to navigate. The other racial cities the map shows that there are levels. Charr doesn’t even though there are.

(edited by Ramei.2715)

Third race-specific biography choice

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


From what I understand, it’s mostly for future expansion upon the personal story, and not important for anyone right now.

Is there a source for that? I hope you are right as the spirits with the Norn, Sylvari birth time and the human God choice seem like wasted potential right now.

Third race-specific biography choice

in Personal Story

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


There is an clear result of choosing a deity as human – in your skilltab.
My human got his chosen goddes skill to unlock in slot skills. It’s not balthazar for sure, it’s the goddess i chose at character creation. (skill removes conditions).
I think also there are racial skills as well.

My sylvari necromancer has “seed turret” skill. I don’t think other race necromancers have that.

Third race-specific biography choice

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


There is an clear result of choosing a deity as human – in your skilltab.
My human got his chosen goddes skill to unlock in slot skills. It’s not balthazar for sure, it’s the goddess i chose at character creation. (skill removes conditions).
I think also there are racial skills as well.

My sylvari necromancer has “seed turret” skill. I don’t think other race necromancers have that.

That’s a racial skill. I have seed turret as a sylvari ranger. My human necromancer who was a follower of Grenth has unlocked skills which involve Lyssa, Kormir, Melandru and Balthazar, so I don’t believe the god skills have anything to do with CC choice save for the race.