Tutorial bosses are too easy.

Tutorial bosses are too easy.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Beyreva.8769


As the title implies, they are too easy. Let’s say you get there alone, it will take you about 25-30 seconds to kill it, 1 minute if you’re multitasking. Add a few players to the equation and they become even less of a challenge, personal best so far: 5 seconds with 5 players. I don’t say that they should take 1 hour or more. Around 4-5 minutes should be just fine.

Sometimes it’s necessary listening to the silence, it could tell more..

Tutorial bosses are too easy.

in Personal Story

Posted by: pevil.5289


I also agree, the fights were tougher in the BWEs (some too tough) but at least made it feel like you’d done something to earn “Hero of Shaemoor”. Most notably I died every time at the Asura golem fight in the BWEs but breezed through it with only 2 or 3 other players in release without even getting downed. They shouldn’t be tough, being tutorials, but at least should give the impression of you having earned your way into the heroic ranks.

Tutorial bosses are too easy.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Udolpho.1209


Problem is new players. If you give brand new players a 5 minute boss fight at level 1 when they don’t have the chance to understand how to do very much, you don’t want their first impression to be frustration, and you don’t want them to be unable to finish the quest and get to the real game. Also, sounds like a scaling issue: BWE were tough because so many people were playing, verses doing it alone.

Tutorial bosses are too easy.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Beyreva.8769


As it is right now, new players don’t even know what happened as the boss dies in a split second(this may be exaggerated, but you get the idea). I made myself a new Charr(because they’re awesome!), all good there spent a bit killing ghosts to unlock my skills(not wanting to go “auto attacking” the boss, he is a boss after all). But when I got down to help Rytlock, it was like: cut-scene of Duke Barradin possessing that big statue; 5 seconds of combat; cut-scene of Duke Barradin being exorcized. And then Rytlock said: “Good job boys and girls, you are all heroes now!”. Same goes for the rest:

[-]Human area; “All praise the Hero of Shaemoor!”. For what? I barely did anything, that elemental pretty much destroyed himself.
[-]Norn area; “Hail The Slayer of Issormir!” Really? I thought that big worm choked to death or something.
[-]Asura area; Well I can’t find a proper cheer here. But that golem pretty much had a factory flaw and he blew up.
[-]Sylvari area; “Oh thank you, fearless Valiant! You banished the evil from The Dream” I actually believe the plant looking dragon was out of his element and dried off. But this area was the most decent of them all.

Sometimes it’s necessary listening to the silence, it could tell more..

Tutorial bosses are too easy.

in Personal Story

Posted by: poochythedog.6749


I don’t think the tutorial bosses are meant to be hard. They are, after all, the TUTORIAL boss. They’re meant to be more of an introduction into the types of encounters you will come across in Tyria, however they aren’t meant to be hard incase it discourages newer players from feeling as if they can’t do it. Also, you start off with like…1 weapon and 2-3 skills. A hard fight would be kind of a pain.

Tutorial bosses are too easy.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Beyreva.8769


I am not asking to make the tutorials bleed the new players to death, neither should they feel like if nothing happened at all. They die too fast even with a small group of people. The plot leads you into facing this big menacing Earth Elemental/Ice Wurm/Golem/Dragon/Ghost, yet the whole fight feels as if you squashed a bug under your boot. Not hard, neither easy, but moderately challenging.

Sometimes it’s necessary listening to the silence, it could tell more..

Tutorial bosses are too easy.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Solitaire.3680


They do feel too quick to kill now, even my 7 year old started an Asura and after the fight was over she actually cried because she thought she didn’t do anything.. I had to convince her no she hit it for 12 damage see? She still wasn’t convinced..

I didn’t like how it was soo easy to get downed in the first BWE and pretty much had to fight on your back but at least the fights should last longer

Tutorial bosses are too easy.

in Personal Story

Posted by: HakkaiRequiem.5130


I am almost the opposite of a hardcore gamer. I usually don’t like hard fights.
But, what the hell, they were not only easy… they where nothing. I was afk for some seconds after the Asura Golem appearing, then I came back to the screen, I hit the boss probably just twice or not much more. Zojja did almost all the work or the golem was just worthless.
I had not the time even to understand the mechanics of a boss fight. And that should be the aim of a Tutorial. PLUS I didn’t feel a Hero at all.

That’s such a pity because that Golem looks so cool ç^ç

By the way, long fights don’t mean hard fights. Those boss could be fixed for example making them much more resistant but making them also inflict a less-than-ridicoulous damage. In this way, you can feel like you destroyed something “heavy”, but without facing a real menace. That could fix the issue, I think, making the fight longer, more satisfying and would give the time to learn something.