What questions don't impact story?
I’m not far enough in the other races’ stories to be sure about them, but I’ve finished the personal story with a human character and can confirm that the choice of god does not have a significant impact.
Gods don’t for humans, so far, and Spirits of the Wild don’t seem to for Norn. But, there’s no way to know what will be introduced with expansions. The personality option is pure flavor, it changes based on dialogue options given by some NPCs, but has no effect beyond allowing you to speak to the occasional NPC set to a particular personality type.
what cycle you were born in for Sylvari, advisor for Norn. Sparring partner for Charr chooses the character who will stuck with you from 1 to 30.
For Asura, your first mentor has no significance in the game currently.
The only place where you see your mentor to my memory, is your home area in Rata Sum. Probably future story development regarding the non-significant choices will be coming
what cycle you were born in for Sylvari, advisor for Norn. Sparring partner for Charr chooses the character who will stuck with you from 1 to 30.
Granted, I haven’t leveled a sylvari too far, but even in the early missions some of the dialogue brought up the cycle I chose. And the first mission brings in my cycle’s “leader” as an NPC. I have not read about the later sylvari missions to avoid spoilers, but I expect little things like this are present throughout, making the story not rely solely on which dream you chose.
I’ll attempt a run-through summary of the choices available and what they do, maybe that will help?
Everyone answers a professions-specific question for a piece of gear that helps customize what you look like (e.g. necro mask, guardian shoulders or helm, ranger pet, etc.). You can keep this gear skin via transmutes or discard it at your leisure.
Does not affect story.
Everyone answers the same personality question.
This affects some of the dialog choices you have and how some NPCs might react to you (such as a person saluting or waving when you are near). You can change your personality via the many dialog choices presented as you interact with NPCs and complete story missions.
Does not affect story.
Initial Personal Story Missions
Every race has a question that affects the initial personal story missions after the intro tutorial and completing your first renown heart. These also influence your home instance and, while slightly different in the details more or less determines who you typically "hang out with" until you start getting more involved with the famous NPCs.
- humans: childhood
- asura: college
- charr: warband
- sylvari: vision in dream
- norn: character quality
Directly influences Part 1 of your character’s storyline and which missions/mission paths are available.
Second Story Set
The other question helps identify what your second set of personal story missions are and further connect your character to the major NPCs of his or her race.
- humans: regret (lost sister, circus, etc.)
- charr: background of sire
- asura: first well-known creation
- norn: regret from a previous moot
- sylvari: most important of Ventari’s teachings
Directly influences Part 2 of the story and what missions/paths are available.
"Wildcard" Question
Each race has an additional question, and these are the only ones that have a chance to do "nothing" currently.
- human: god selection = no bearing on anything yet
- charr: sparring partner = which NPC hangs out with you in the racial story missions (i.e. up until about level 30); can provide additional perspective on other characters, mission events, and the like as well as some jokes
- asura: previous mentor = nothing, except maybe some references to your style of approaching problems
- sylvari: cycle = alters some dialogue, NPC presence in early missions
- norn: spirit = nothing currently
So I guess really for the norn, asura, and human character creation it’s just fluff for now. It’s minor and affects some details for the charr and sylvari, but overall it’s still kind of fluff for them as well.
Kind of but not really affects story??
(edited by synk.6907)
what cycle you were born in for Sylvari, advisor for Norn. Sparring partner for Charr chooses the character who will stuck with you from 1 to 30.
Granted, I haven’t leveled a sylvari too far, but even in the early missions some of the dialogue brought up the cycle I chose. And the first mission brings in my cycle’s “leader” as an NPC. I have not read about the later sylvari missions to avoid spoilers, but I expect little things like this are present throughout, making the story not rely solely on which dream you chose.
I found the Sylvari boring so I never finished it but I did two of two of the 1 to 10 missions and I didn’t notice any signifcant dialogue. I believe they all have one meeting with the npc and an apperance in your home instance but that it. It doesn’t really impact on your story because they all same the same thing.