Why do choices in the story matter so little?

Why do choices in the story matter so little?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


Im getting seriously tired of Anets storywriting in the personal story. Sure they’ve got this big thing with choices and outcomes in the earlier half of the story. But its like dont care a single bit about our choices and the characters we’ve interacted with previously.

For example:

Earlier in the story, I helped save Carys (or is it tegwen, cant remember) from an Orrian mirror. To do that I enlisted the help of an asura scientist. I could have chosen to ask for Trahearns help but I did not!

Im doing “through the looking glass” at the moment. Now here is how it turns out..

I chose to lure out the eye of zhaitan using an orrian mirror. Carys and Tegwen speak to me, as if they never met me before. Not only that.. They claim it was with the help of Trahearn that saved her from the mirror? WHAT?

Its as if they dont give a darn about our previous choices? I mean, before battle of claw island the storywriting was rather good. But then it goes downhill.. not only do previous choices not matter worth a kitten but the entire story feels rushed and incomplete. I seriously hope they will amend this somehow. No I dont care if you have to contact those voice actors again! Just FIX IT. sigh

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

(edited by Blackwolfe.5649)

Why do choices in the story matter so little?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Imperialist.6927


The way it’s structured, the storyline is split into several parts, none of which really cross over into each other. After Claw Island, the storyline assumes a general stance towards everything. It seems like they got extremely lazy and didnt bother to record new dialogue simply to acknowledge that yes, you are a Sylvari, and yes, you met Trahearne before. The good news is that the “branching options” at least lead to some mission variety. The bad news is that, more often than not, most of the story chooses your race and class to be irrelevant, yet the same doesnt go for everyone else. Its unfortunate.

Why do choices in the story matter so little?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jaglavak.5806


I don’t think we will ever see any fixes for the Trahear… I mean the personal story, other then pure bug fixes. And even those seems to be vary far down on the ArenaNet to-do list.

Which is a shame. The story up to around level 50 is good, even great in some areas, it has some variations in it but then its like they gave up. I would like very much to hear how the discussion went at the ANet office. I mean, the level of complains about the personal story has been overwhelming, the difference between the story before level 50 and after is so obvious that its like two different developers was involved in the process. So there must have been a critical breaking point in the development at some point where they simple said out loud, “lets rush this from now on just to get it done”, or similar. “Lets throw in a million Risens so it at least attract some of the kids who like to blow stuff up.”

I have one more story to complete so I can get one of each, I have to do the Order of Whispers version left. But as soon as I get their emblem on the character screen, I’m done. No more, never again.

Like I wrote on Twitter a while ago, its astounding that such a great game has such a huge flaw in the story part. Its like night and day.

Jaglavak – Asura Elementalist + 7 alts / Server: Seafarer’s Rest

(edited by Jaglavak.5806)