let everyone see their own characters on cutscenes (hello arah)
I was actually quite suprissed that the players in dungeons
A) do not have more lines
B) rotate in cutscenes so that the first 2 lines are delivered by player1 and the next one by player 3, etc.
I was actually quite suprissed that the players in dungeons
A) do not have more lines
B) rotate in cutscenes so that the first 2 lines are delivered by player1 and the next one by player 3, etc.
you mean “do not rotate”, right? :P
and player rotation would be an even better solution. together with my “everyone gets to see their own version of the cutscene” suggestion, and some clever picking by the devs, you could get the player’s character to deliver some key lines, while having the other characters in the party deliver secondary lines.
everyone feels like the protagonist, and the party feels like it’s the party that made the story, not a single person.
Yeah I meant do not rotate O_o
That is a very nice suggestion.
Yes it would be great if it was as you said. But if you don’t hurry to be the 1st who enters, you are just a mere spectator.
Correction: Being the party leader doesn’t imply that your character will show up in the cut-scenes, it’s whoever manages to enter the dungeon first.
(edited by Beyreva.8769)
This is the thing that I really hate about dungeons. In fact don’t think I’ve ever been in a run in which my character spoke the lines, which has left me with no connection to the story told there. Funny thing is, I read the book before the game came out so I could better understand and be involved in the dungeons story…look how well that turned out.
last i checked this is still an issue, and still the ultimate kick in the nuts for players that want to see the culmination of their characters’ efforts.
Sorry if I’m sort of necroing this, but I feel this is a relevant issue.
In my guild there are a lot of people that like to roleplay and feel part of the story (not too good past level 50 to tell the truth), but this becomes a bis obstacle when going into story mode dungeons. Aspecially Arah.
We’d all like to be the protagonist, or at least be the “second in command” of a main character that has no charisma whatsoever, but 4 out of 5 people just can’t. They’ll just become the unnamed party of the second in command. Wow, so epic.
Both suggestions in the posts above are pretty nice:
1. Let every player see his/her own character speaking
2. Cycle spoken lines between players.
Option 2 would be very nice, but I guess it’s be late to implement it, since it would mean rewite and re-record most lines to give them some sense and allow all five players to talk.
But first option should be obvious for a game that advertizes it’s great persona storyline! And should also be fairly easy do implement, since everyone is watching his/her own cutscene.
This is my biggest beef with the storyline. After completing every quest up to Arah, my characters always end up becoming some character in the background as someone elses’ character takes the stage. It’s rediculous.