0.5sec starting cd on all abilities when moa'd please.

0.5sec starting cd on all abilities when moa'd please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: dal.2410


So, I’m guessing I’m not the only one who has had problems with this, if you were trying to attack someone just as you get moa’d chances are you will trigger one of the god awful long channeling abilities (#1/#2 i believe..) making you completely unable to move, sorry for sounding a bit whiny but it’s kind of annoying to not even be able to move away from damage when you are moa’d if you were unlucky enough to mash one of the keys that put you into a channeling kitten attack.

Thank you.

0.5sec starting cd on all abilities when moa'd please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: milo.6942


This is a reasonable request I think and I agree

0.5sec starting cd on all abilities when moa'd please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: phaeris.7604


I agree. Why exactly is button one moa attack a bloody unbreakable channel.

ALSO…can we allow the moa to jump?

Bad enough you’re in moa form, but I can’t even jump over small objects/ledges….

0.5sec starting cd on all abilities when moa'd please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

Of all the problems moa has, this one is the least.

0.5sec starting cd on all abilities when moa'd please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: milo.6942


Of all the problems moa has, this one is the least.

There are plenty of other threads about the skill’s questionable balance. It’s nice to have one we can all agree on.

0.5sec starting cd on all abilities when moa'd please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


I actually think this is the only problem with Moa. It could also use a silly dodge animation, to point out to people that you can dodge during it.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper