100% Area complete

100% Area complete

in Suggestions

Posted by: Batim.9075


Why is there even a buttom for “Delete all” if your inventory is full after getting 100% in an area. I just accidentally pressed “the delete all” button instead of “take all”.
Cant it just be, “Cancel”= Send it to mail? or “Take all” ?

Im really kitten for loosing all that for one wrong mouse click!!!!!

100% Area complete

in Suggestions

Posted by: Batim.9075


If you going to keep it, I have a nice suggestion.
Every other week, change the position of the “Start” and “Delete” button in character select menu. And with no “Are you sure”… :-)

100% Area complete

in Suggestions

Posted by: solanu.3784


If you going to keep it, I have a nice suggestion.
Every other week, change the position of the “Start” and “Delete” button in character select menu. And with no “Are you sure”… :-)

…Wut? This guy has hit his head.

I agree with OP. I would prefer these items be placed in mail. Renown rewards are placed in mail, so why not place these — items acquired partially by completing Renown Hearts — there as well?

Necromancer 80 – Guardian 80 – Thief 80 – Warrior 80 – Mesmer 33

100% Area complete

in Suggestions

Posted by: Batim.9075


Well, just meant that its almost as boring to delete one of your best quest rewards as deleting your character. I cant find any good reason to why you would like to delete all your four quest reward items, why does this option even exists….