100% Map Completion

100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZBoss.5610


Having to swap servers, especially with the upcoming gem(s) to transfer, in order to get 100% map completion in the WvW maps is just absurd. I love my sever. I love how active it is. I have RL friends and 3 guilds I regularly hang with and run things with.

I’m stuck on 99% because of a few POI’s in the Eternal Battlegrounds which are so deep into the enemy’s territory (keeps/towers) my server will never be able to cap them. It’s always a very well balanced match were no one server every gets completely eliminated. This isn’t right that a player who doesn’t want to pay or swap around cannot complete this achievement ESPECIALLY which is necessary in order to make legendary items!!!

100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: HuntsForge.3260


The area each server starts in is random, so check back next week you will likley be near the points you need. Also you should be against different servers.

100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lenneth.1372


Just wait till the reset and your team starts there and owns it….

100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adul.1520


Yeah, definitely needs to be changed. And by that, I mean the WvW maps removed from the (primarily PvE) world completion achievement. Put them into a separate achievement or something.

100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZBoss.5610


Thank you guys! I was under the impression we always started in the same area. I’ve simply been unlucky it seems when I can get into Eternal Battlegrounds we are in the same spot every time. LoL. I’ll check back in a few tomorrow after reset and hope.

I think all and all this should be removed from map completion simply because how many people like myself are taking a spot in WvW to run around for POI’s, Vistas, or Jumping Puzzles meanwhile someone else is actually wanting to play WvW but stuck in a queue or forced to go to a different battleground.

100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dayra.7405


The area each server starts in is random, so check back next week you will likley be near the points you need. Also you should be against different servers.

It is NOT random! First in a bracket get green, second blue and third get red.
See http://mos.millenium.org/matchups to see what you are and what you likely be in the next match.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZBoss.5610


Great so I’m pretty much screwed unless my server goes crazy and caps all of EB or messes up and drops in ranking. Ugh…what a pain.

100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Yeah, definitely needs to be changed. And by that, I mean the WvW maps removed from the (primarily PvE) world completion achievement. Put them into a separate achievement or something.


I’m currently sitting at 94% thanks to the ridiculous WvW portion of map completion.

Since I don’t want to PvP, and I don’t want to pay for repairs for an activity I don’t want to do in the first place, my tactic so far has been to strip and run around to as many points as possible before the enemy sees me for the free, easy kill I am. Then I’m forced to res all the way back at the beginning. Fun! /sarcasm Who’s bright idea was this anyway?

(edited by Lane.3410)

100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


Considering the paid transfers, something does need to be done. That part I fully agree with. I’d instead like to suggest that just as the borderlands cycle week-to-week, that the Eternal Battlegrounds starting/home position for each server also cycle week-to-week. Otherwise, the only other reasonable solution would be to remove the requirement completely (as you’ve suggested) since it would be rather unfair to players in certain servers.

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100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: jwaz.1908


The area each server starts in is random, so check back next week you will likley be near the points you need. Also you should be against different servers.

That is incorrect, the server that wins the previous week will be Green, the Loser will be Red, and the middle server will be blue.

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100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcain.9106


I understand your point OP I was actually considering making the exact same post. The problem with WvW in map completion is the fact that it doesn’t rely on exploration. It relies on being at the right place at the right time. I’m currently at 97% on 2 WvW maps because 1 Vista is at a enemy fort on the other side of the map.

Best tip with WvW map completion is to keep checking the maps whilst you level up a character or explore the world. It’s a real pain in the butt and shouldn’t be apart of the World Map Completion.

100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Axvil.2839


I had to wait 4 weeks for my server to change WvW color.. was sitting at 98% completion. It will happen though, so don’t worry about needing to transfer servers just for this!