100% map = Travel Discount

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkhearts.1923


I believe if you 100% complete a map you should get some last bonus. The one I’d like to see would be a travel (within that map) discount. Now I’d like it to be free but I know it wont be so maybe 25%-50% discount would be nice. That would also make people more prone to explorer more so they can save little extra money ;D

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


One habit that I got into travelling has been going to the heart of the mists then to lion’s arch (both free) then you can also go to any town for free from there.
Also the closer your are to the point the cheaper so I would go to holbreak if I was going to frostgorge sound
Sure its a little more loading screens and what not but I have saved quite a bit since i’ve been doing it that way

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkhearts.1923


I do that too, was just thinking “why would I 100% complete a map?” plus almost 1s for even a teleport to one that’s within eye sight lol….

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

+1 to this. I agree a lasting reward for the explorers in the game is great. ANET built such a great game that a lot of people should go out and see. This would provide a great incentive to do this.

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: kaffaljidhma.1496


There is a lasting reward for 100% explorers, it’s called being able to craft 2 legendaries

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkhearts.1923


Sorry but from what I’ve heard they take way to much time and I just don’t have that kind of patience. I’m 100% PvE but not hardcore enough to get those.

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

Reducing the cost on travelling and armor fixing both need to be looked into. They didn’t take into account “What if the economy gets completely ruined in the first week and the players will never bring it out of a completely failed economy state to the point where every single item is worth just merchanting?”

The only things not worth merchanting right now is a handful of crafting mats, and the majority of rares but not all, and exotics/legendaries.

I’m sure they thought masterworks would be black lion tradeable, however they are just merchant food, as with many other mats.

Try buying a white item from an npc at any level and compare it to the price of a green item on the black lion at that same level, kinda funny right? The white item from the npc is nearly 2-3x the price of the green. Also if you sell the green to the merchant or any item, there is another price it shows when you rollover in the buyback section.

& the best part of it all is, they go on in and NERF dungeons amount of coins you can get and drops etc. When they barely drop anything to begin with.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

In regards to my last post evidentally anet thinks that this blue should be wortha bout this much.

However you got players willing to lose money with the black lions 15% cut by selling it for one bronze above what it SELLS to the vendor for.


Now if they scaled everything being bought for what they think it should have been for if you buy it from a vendor, but not for what the vendors buy it from you for, then this is exactly why and is why everything is priced so high from the games vendors etc.

If everyone started selling their items by this pricing, instead of one bronze over the vendor, and kept prices firm, everyone would have A LOT more money in their pockets right now and 100g would be NOTHING. The amount of drops yous ell is infinite while the amount of drops each person buys for himself is limited, and this is why the higher pricing is perfect, and wouldn’t be a problem, and much more money to be made for everyone selling/buying.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: zerospin.8604



That would be awesome. The costs are crazy right now and it’s no fun porting knowing how much it costs ;/

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

Porting and repairing would be almost nothing if the economy was atleast selling items for what they are worth and making the amount of money they should be making.

However due to them wanting to match the pawn shops buying pricing, instead of what the pawn shop would sell it to you for. We have everything in game costing us a large sum of drops that are somewhat and kind of rare themselves to even get dropped.

Two of the highest priced teleports would cost you like one teal drop. Wouldn’t that be nice?

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuzzi.2198


I think this is a great idea. I think as much as a 50% discount would be appropriate and would stop people from complaining about WP fees.

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkhearts.1923


Just because something would sell for more doesn’t mean I’d make so much more money. If they sell for more then the items I buy would be for more.

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katie Feathermoore.5031

Katie Feathermoore.5031

Yes please. This would go a long way to alleviating travel expenses, plus its kind of a perk for having been everywhere anyway.

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: RobinotX.1604


This idea looks awesome. This would be a nice motivation for exploring. Maybe something like the amount of % you have World explored divided by 2 is your discount… or something like your WE is your discount ;p

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: Synergy.8934


+1 to this thread.

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: bobyd.4698


this would also make more interesting the thought of going back to starter zones

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


i think if the waypoints are in the same zone, it should be free with 100%. going from the middle of FrostGorge to Say Lions Arch in one move should be discounted by 50%.

so within a zone it should be free, leaving the zone to another one should be discounted somewhat. i would then port freely to the nearest WP to my destination and gladly walk through to the other side. that would solve getting downed next to a waypoint, i think.

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

Just because something would sell for more doesn’t mean I’d make so much more money. If they sell for more then the items I buy would be for more.

I covered that in a post how many more drops do you sell compared to the amount of armors you buy, etc?

Lets say in an hour you farmed 15 teals, 8 greens, 1 gold.

You sell the 15 teals at 7s each, the 8 greens at 12s each, and the one rare at around 1g.

Now, what you have in your account is : 301 silver or 3 gold.

The full set of green armor would cost you roughly : 76 silver.

Full set of full gold armor would be ~6 gold or 2 hours of farming.

The repairs would be cheap, the waypointing would seem so much more cheaper, siege would seem a ton cheaper (especially when you consider you can get around 3 golems off an hour farming), etc.

Now imagine how much you would have after a day.

If you think the economy is good because of how everything is way cheaper than it should be let this post really sink in, the concept of it shouldn’t take too long for you to see how anet shows you what you should be selling these items for on the black lion, therefore selling it at around 7x less the price = things seem 7x more expensive when you buy it from the game, which means we put in 7 times the amount of time to pay for things like siege, repairs, and waypointing.

It would also make buying blue viable, instead of just skipping to greens.

We are actually fueling the gold sellers this way, to sell something like 10g (ten golems, or a few repairs) for 15 dollars etc.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

Imagine your whole wvw team full of siege and access to golems.

And not being afraid to use them because they were “too expensive”, and not complaining at all when they die before being built.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkhearts.1923


I see your point when that being said. Every day I sell at least 30 blues and 10 greens to vendors while putting 1-3 yellows on the TP for like 10s….

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: graceangel.3618


you know. those first few weeks of launch when the TP was constantly down? While it was down, people on our server were selling blues @ 5-10s each and greens 15-30s each.. depending on their levels… then, when the TP first started coming up; the rates were SO much lower!!! like.. just wow lower. but when the TP is down, rates on things shoot through the roof on Denravi.

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: blaergh.6341


Just because something would sell for more doesn’t mean I’d make so much more money. If they sell for more then the items I buy would be for more.

I covered that in a post how many more drops do you sell compared to the amount of armors you buy, etc?

Lets say in an hour you farmed 15 teals, 8 greens, 1 gold.

You sell the 15 teals at 7s each, the 8 greens at 12s each, and the one rare at around 1g.

Now, what you have in your account is : 301 silver or 3 gold.

The full set of green armor would cost you roughly : 76 silver.

Full set of full gold armor would be ~6 gold or 2 hours of farming.

I don’t think you’ve understood how the trading post works.
Money doesn’t just appear there. Everything on there is bought and sold by players so everything you sell must be bought by someone else, therefor if you put way more items in than you take out, prices will have to drop because supply is vastly greater than demand. If greens are supposed to be traded, they would have to be a lot rarer than they are now.

What I would like is the trading post stopping players from selling items for less than what the merchants would pay for it PLUS the listing fee so it’s no longer possible to lose money by selling stuff on the trading post and no longer possible to make money by ordering junk items for less than they are worth and selling them to npcs for profit.


100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hellmood.2097


It all comes down to Arenanet’s greed. As if they will make anything in this game cheaper, that would hamper gem purchases. You think the witchhunt against goldsellers is because they want to protect you from spam or to protect “your” economy? Think again.