10x Higher Capability FPS If Just......
bump for a good suggestion indeed
The first way they should improve performance for this game is to optimize it correctly so that it doesn’t tell our computers to render things that aren’t even on our screens. I get an instant 10fps boost when I reduce my Reflections setting from ‘All’, even if I’m nowhere near any water.
As for view distance, I’m all for a slider, but I’d actually like to see it show things even further. It seems like distant terrain is turned into a blue haze at a mere few hundred yards even with maxed graphics, and other character models, foliage and objects pop in just a few feet in front of my character sometimes. For a game that usually looks great, some aspects of its visuals are just a mess.
I as well noticed during the one time event today that there is no way to turn off the visual effects of other players spells or anyone.
This is one this as well that will prevent only 30 people being at a one time event and there actually be 90+ and able to survive the visual lag.