I call this a list of “dirty” suggestions because they aren’t all going to be popular, or in-line with the game’s original visions, but most will need to be addressed by some factor if the game wants to enjoy the same longevity as its predecessor. My proposed solutions are obviously not the only ones to each problem listed, but certainly somewhere to start.
- Equalize same-level gear. White gear has the same base stats as gold gear at the same level, but higher-graded gear can be upgraded with modifiers (as in GW1 with inscriptions & other weapon modifiers). The skin and rarity of a weapon should warrant its acquisition; not its stats.
- Keep a fixed, permanent, level cap. Players absent for any duration of time should not be penalized. High-end level discrepancies will only segregate players further.
- Each class can equip all weapon types, though at a disadvantage for weapons not intended for your class (eg. warriors with bows, elementalists with hammers).
- Additional weapon skills can be purchased with skill points to replace any of the “basic” skills initially unlocked for that weapon. These skills can then be slotted in/out like other slot skills, though they are specific to a given weapon.
- Ground-targeting is never the default method for using a skill. Targeting either defaults to the area around the caster or the area near the targeted enemy, depending on the skill. Players can choose to hold an additional key to use ground-targeting, or to leave it on all the time by default.
- When crafting a known recipe all lesser components are crafted automatically/invisibly (i.e. the two weapon/armor parts & any inscription/insignia do not need to be crafted first).
- Master crafters still gain minimal experience for crafting.
- Map travel is free.
- The armor damage system is replaced with a death penalty system. Players can pay for any accrued death penalty to be removed, or simply wait for it to wear off. Death penalty is gradually removed by killing monsters or completing dynamic events.
- The magic find system is totally removed. Instead, the drop rates scale with the number of people in the immediate area, or the length of time a group has been together. If there are thirty people participating in an event they will get better drops than if there were ten people, or, the longer one group (even a small one) stays together, the better their drops will be. The former creates an incentive for people to be drawn together; the latter encourages them to stay together.
- Dungeons scale in difficulty & rewards based on party size. A full party receives the best rewards and faces the dungeon at full difficulty. A two-person group, on the other hand, faces substantially reduced difficulty and gets lesser rewards, but is still able to enjoy the content. At the end of a dungeon, each player is rewarded with one dungeon token for each party member (from 5 tokens for a full party to 1 token for solo players), or otherwise scaled to their party size. This should still keep people from being able to farm the content without barring smaller groups from participating in it.
- Certain towns/villages/waypoints are clearly indicated as “safe zones,” which can never become contested or have hostile NPCs. Each “safe” town should have access to personal storage.
- Traits can be freely adjusted when in any town or “safe zone.”
- Dyes can be exported (not copied) to other characters on the same account.
- Purchased items and completed orders on the trading post are mailed to the player. Players still need to visit the trading post to pick up profits from sold items.
- “Town clothes” are added as costume slots which can be worn over other armor.
- Add “mounts” to encourage people to walk from one place to another instead of simply hopping waypoints.
- The “order” a character chooses to represent should provide some benefit to them beyond varied story steps. Players should be able to purchase special order-specific skills and participate in order-related activities (events, quests, etc.) beyond their standard story. Players should unlock a title for each tier of their order they are promoted to.
- All personal story quests should be repeatable, and “bonus” objectives should be added for each quest. Each bonus objective earns a one-time reward.
- The boon/condition system needs to be overhauled. They need to be able to stack in effectiveness without sacrificing their duration. Players also need the ability to quickly identify boons & conditions in effect, which could be achieved easily by giving each icon a unique color on an enemy/ally health bar.