Hello all, I’m Hurdy.2748 but you can call me Hurdy, everyone else does and I’m here to bring attention to the sad lack of 2h axes in this fine game. I love 2h axes. I love everything about them. They’re the most kitten weapon in history. So I was a little sad when I found out that GW2 didn’t have them. My main has been a warrior since beta and I kind of drifted around looking for a weapon that fit me. I tried them all but Greatsword is pretty much one of those arranged marriages, “Son, you’re going to marry this woman you don’t like or I’ll disown you” = “Son, you’re going to use this weapon you don’t like or you’ll do no damage”. Anyway it worked out in the end because I ended up liking the kit it has but everytime I look at my warrior I feel a little sad that he has a 2h sword and not a 2h axe.
So here’s my proposition: We add a 2h weapon type to the game. It could be a condition based 2h weapon which no class really has, aside from ranged 2h’ers, as far as I’m aware (not sure about ranger greatsword). I don’t think it’s necessary but I would really really like it just for the looks.
The alternative: Some 2h axe skins for greatswords. Same kit so there doesn’t need to be any more balancing and we’re all happy for more visual options. Also, I bet arenanet artists have some cool axe designs that they haven’t been able to implement because of the lack of the weapon type.
- Cool 2h axes, more options visually and kit-wise !
- Possible gem revenue off xmute stones, or black lion keys if you put axe skins in BL chests
- Artists/designers have more to work with
- Something fresh to add to the game
- Rebalancing if adding new weapon type
- Work work (dabu (me not that kind of orc (stop poking me!)))
Please bump if you like this idea.
Please bump if you hate me and think I’m stupid.
Please bump if you like tacos.
Combaticus – 80 warrior – Tarnished coast