3 new condition suggestions

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lily.1935


As we all know conditions are one of the most important sources of damage in the game. They improve damage, punish foes for moving and are supported by some traits. However they struggle in some areas. PvE they will often get capped and pushed off, making condition using players deal far less damage then a tanking player, or they just get mass cleansed in WvW making them more of an itch then a actual threat. But I already made a post on that so here are 3 conditions that would help to promote more condition use.

Disease: Deals damage each second. If a non-allied creature gets close to the foe suffering from this condition it spreads to that creature.

Disease was a fun condition back in GW1. It was also the cause of some headaches because it slowed the game down at time and cared about the creature’s species and not if they where enemies or friendlies. This meant if you where fighting humans, well you better not get too close to them. So a simple fix to make it only spread to foes would convert this condition from annoying to decent pressure that would be a bit harder to remove then your average poison or bleed.

The professions that should use this condition are Necromancer and Ranger.

Fragility: Whenever afflicted foe suffers a new condition or loses an old condition that foe takes damage.

One of my favorite Hexes from Guild Wars 1 made my favorite team possible. Having the ability to harm people that bit more for each condition they suffer was just golden. It created some powerful builds that worked so well with each other. In GW2 this could help promote Professions that use conditions to work together even without the dedication to max out their bleeds. This condition helps to lessen the burden on bleeds to diversify condition builds. This would also put people in an interesting position when considering cleansing.

The professions that should use this should be Mesmer and Engineer.

Barbs: Whenever a foe would take damage barbs deals damage to that foe.

Another awesome Hex from Guild wars 1. Barbs was a rather useful hex if not over shadowed by its sister skill, Mark of Pain. Barbs has a real chance to shine in GW2 though as a useful condition to allow space to be opened up for party support based condition users. Using this in a group with a lot of combo damage that hit multiple times rather then one or two powerful strikes could open up space for new team tactics.

Professions that should get this condition are Necromancer, Engineer and Guardian.

Leave a comment below and tell me what you think. I look forward to hearing from you.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: coglin.1867


Disease is a pretty common MMO DoT. I can go with that.

Barbs seems redundant to either confusion or retaliation.

Fragility seems a bit like a waste to me. Seems to be it would be simpler to just add a bit of direct damage to skills that apply conditions. I just can’t swallow this one.

Frankly, I do not see a need to clutter the list of conditions further to be honest. We need another condition, like we need another currency in the game.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lily.1935


Disease is a pretty common MMO DoT. I can go with that.

Barbs seems redundant to either confusion or retaliation.

Fragility seems a bit like a waste to me. Seems to be it would be simpler to just add a bit of direct damage to skills that apply conditions. I just can’t swallow this one.

Frankly, I do not see a need to clutter the list of conditions further to be honest. We need another condition, like we need another currency in the game.

I disagree. The game hasn’t come to the point where its too complex for new players. The most overwhelming part isn’t the conditions or the boons, its the armor and weapons.

how is barbs redundant with Confusion or Retaliation? Confusion triggers when they use a skill, and Retaliation triggers when you take damage. I’ve heard it being redundant with Vulnerability, but not those.

part of this is there is too much reliance on one condition for almost all condition builds. Bleeding is the condition most people care about unless you are a confusion based Mesmer. But thats one profession stacked against six.

I hear all the time about cleansing being too powerful completely negating Condition power. So Fragility helps to fix that problem. You hit someone with a burst on someone, and get your full damage. You put your Conditions and they all get cleansed, you don’t get your full damage, its completely wasted.

The game has also been out long enough to where they could afford to put in something like this without overwhelming people. All conditions have one thing they do. They are extremely easy to remember and are in no way overwhelming. We could easily go up to 20 different conditions and still not have it “too complicated” for the player. If Pokemon isn’t too complicated for children, GW2 defiantly isn’t too complicated or cluttered now.

All three of these conditions help to solve a real problem in the game and promote Build Diversity. Something that is seriously lacking in GW2.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silver.8023


While I liked those old skills, the last thing I think Guild Wars 2 needs is more conditions! Just writing that kind of gives me a headache. If anything, I’d say we actually need better ways to deal with conditions, especially if something like these ideas come into play.
However, what’s wrong with perhaps making some of these effects traits rather than conditions?

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lily.1935


While I liked those old skills, the last thing I think Guild Wars 2 needs is more conditions! Just writing that kind of gives me a headache. If anything, I’d say we actually need better ways to deal with conditions, especially if something like these ideas come into play.
However, what’s wrong with perhaps making some of these effects traits rather than conditions?

well. Whats easier to control? A condition that causes damage when a new condition is gained or lost? Or a Trait that says foes in 1,200 range when they gain or lose a condition they take damage?

Or a trait that says conditions now spread to adjacent creatures?

Making them traits would be much harder to control and would either have to be useless or massively broken, you can’t make a middle ground with them.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silver.8023


That is true, indeed. However, the alternative of having them as conditions would require giving everybody beefed up condition removal to deal with the extra conditions. We already kinda need that as it is.
I rescind my trait suggestion. I’m just wary of power creep, I guess.

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I think they should add Spiteful Spirit back into the game. Whenever target creature attacks, he damages himself, and allied creatures around him. It was the perfect aoe spell against large mobs of enemies, that killed them faster, the faster they attacked the players.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: JETWING.2759


We don’t need more conditions, we need more boons to pair conditions :/
12 conditions with 1 or 2 effects against 9 boons with 1 single effect (might is the exception).
I think that are an unbalance

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: TriggerSad.2597


I think they should add Spiteful Spirit back into the game. Whenever target creature attacks, he damages himself, and allied creatures around him. It was the perfect aoe spell against large mobs of enemies, that killed them faster, the faster they attacked the players.

The issue with that idea is that you’ve just made an AoE version of Confusion, which I don’t think is needed.

Anyway, I live the idea of adding new conditions to spread out the ones we currently have. I mean, the thing I love about Torment is the fact that it’s almost impossible for a single player to get a full 25 stacks of the stuff onto a foe. However with Bleeding, I know a few builds that can get to 25, or as easily get close to 25 as possible, which just breeds a lot of stack wars with other condition builds.
I wouldn’t mind replacing some bleeding traits on warriors and necromancers with Fragility, and maybe even replacing the necromancer’s Blood is Power with a similar skill that gives Disease to a target instead of a large stack of Bleeding. That way, while applying Bleeding onto a foe is still possible for them, they can’t get a full stack going.
Mind you this is just an example that’s off the top of my head, I’m not 100% sold on replacing those traits and skill, but it might be a nice place to start.

IGN: Despada
Guild: I Can Outtweet A Centaur [TWIT]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TriggerSad

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

They already added torment and have had extreme difficulty giving it to enough skills. It just doesn’t have the distribution that something like a condition requires. I think new conditions shouldn’t really be considered henceforth until we get a new class or a healthy dosage of new skills (new weapons for classes possibly), where that new class or skill may be an exceptional source for that condition.

That said, Barbs would be cool and is the one I like the most of those presented. It’d be nice if it was competitively viable for DPS and stacked intensity and were given to the Necromancer en masse, since it’d be primarily valuable in PvE where you could stack it up to increase Warrior/Guardian/Etc dps significantly through offensive support.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lily.1935


I think they should add Spiteful Spirit back into the game. Whenever target creature attacks, he damages himself, and allied creatures around him. It was the perfect aoe spell against large mobs of enemies, that killed them faster, the faster they attacked the players.

As much as I loved spiteful spirit. Spiteful spirit and Arcane Echo was a build all it self. This should tell you how powerful the skill was. Now imagine epidemic on spiteful spirit. This causes too many balancing problems that arena net doesn’t want to deal with. And I have to say its a bad idea.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lily.1935


They already added torment and have had extreme difficulty giving it to enough skills. It just doesn’t have the distribution that something like a condition requires. I think new conditions shouldn’t really be considered henceforth until we get a new class or a healthy dosage of new skills (new weapons for classes possibly), where that new class or skill may be an exceptional source for that condition.

That said, Barbs would be cool and is the one I like the most of those presented. It’d be nice if it was competitively viable for DPS and stacked intensity and were given to the Necromancer en masse, since it’d be primarily valuable in PvE where you could stack it up to increase Warrior/Guardian/Etc dps significantly through offensive support.

I see your point. New skills is something I would like to see as well. And if it would be a better idea to wait until we get new skills as opposed to just adding them to existing skills I would be okay with this.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lily.1935


We don’t need more conditions, we need more boons to pair conditions :/
12 conditions with 1 or 2 effects against 9 boons with 1 single effect (might is the exception).
I think that are an unbalance

I don’t agree that we don’t need more conditions. But I do agree that we need more boons. A boon that reduces condition damage was something I suggested before but people didn’t like it. Another one I suggested was a boon that acted like Hundred blades or Vow of strength from GW1. Which could be interesting(http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Vow_of_strength http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Hundred_Blades) But how those should scale is another store and I have another suggested that goes into more detail.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lily.1935


I think they should add Spiteful Spirit back into the game. Whenever target creature attacks, he damages himself, and allied creatures around him. It was the perfect aoe spell against large mobs of enemies, that killed them faster, the faster they attacked the players.

The issue with that idea is that you’ve just made an AoE version of Confusion, which I don’t think is needed.

Anyway, I live the idea of adding new conditions to spread out the ones we currently have. I mean, the thing I love about Torment is the fact that it’s almost impossible for a single player to get a full 25 stacks of the stuff onto a foe. However with Bleeding, I know a few builds that can get to 25, or as easily get close to 25 as possible, which just breeds a lot of stack wars with other condition builds.
I wouldn’t mind replacing some bleeding traits on warriors and necromancers with Fragility, and maybe even replacing the necromancer’s Blood is Power with a similar skill that gives Disease to a target instead of a large stack of Bleeding. That way, while applying Bleeding onto a foe is still possible for them, they can’t get a full stack going.
Mind you this is just an example that’s off the top of my head, I’m not 100% sold on replacing those traits and skill, but it might be a nice place to start.

This is exactly why this suggestion was made. To limited the competition between condition based professions. Considering 95% of the time its go bleeds or go home. Both Barbs and Fragility would be viable as “Build around me” conditions that would be desirable in parties. Do not that I’m not interested in completely removing the Bleed based condition damage build, but I am saying this shouldn’t be the only option to non-mesmer players.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I like the idea of Disease actually. Seems like a really nifty zerg-buster if you combo that with a condition Necromancer

I don’t care for the other two, seem kind of bland and non-unique.

You get a +1 for Disease though!

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: TriggerSad.2597


I miss Disease tbh. It was one of those conditions that could really get into a group’s head whenever it was applied to you. It made you think twice about getting near allies, or even enemies that were human, which added a cool dynamic to fights.

A nice way I could see Disease work in Guild Wars 2 could be to have to transfer itself to two enemies at a time. It could still be killer in zergs when paired with Epidemic, or even naturally if the person receiving it isn’t paying attention. Though I don’t think a player should have it re-stack onto themselves if they already have it, or people would just regain it continuously while in a small group.

Disease – Deals damage every second; transfers itself to two unaffected allies every second; stacks duration.

IGN: Despada
Guild: I Can Outtweet A Centaur [TWIT]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TriggerSad

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lily.1935


I like the idea of Disease actually. Seems like a really nifty zerg-buster if you combo that with a condition Necromancer

I don’t care for the other two, seem kind of bland and non-unique.

You get a +1 for Disease though!



They are condition versions of 2 amazing GW1 skills.

Much like Torment was a Guild Wars one skill by a different name. http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Weaken_Knees

I would suggest playing with them in the first game. You could build entire teams around these concepts and people did. I built a Condition based team with Fragility along with a really powerful elite and multiple sources of condition application and spreading with allies and it was one of the most fun and interesting teams I had ever made or seen in the whole game.

While barbs was a part of another build known as MoP, or Mark of Pain. Which functioned more around this http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mark_of_pain

Trust me on this. They are anything but bland.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

As much as I loved spiteful spirit. Spiteful spirit and Arcane Echo was a build all it self. This should tell you how powerful the skill was. Now imagine epidemic on spiteful spirit. This causes too many balancing problems that arena net doesn’t want to deal with. And I have to say its a bad idea.

But Spiteful Spirit isn’t a condition, it’s a hex. So it wouldn’t spread with epidemic. I’d love to see hexes being added back into the game.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: TriggerSad.2597


As much as I loved spiteful spirit. Spiteful spirit and Arcane Echo was a build all it self. This should tell you how powerful the skill was. Now imagine epidemic on spiteful spirit. This causes too many balancing problems that arena net doesn’t want to deal with. And I have to say its a bad idea.

But Spiteful Spirit isn’t a condition, it’s a hex. So it wouldn’t spread with epidemic. I’d love to see hexes being added back into the game.

ANet already said that they won’t be adding Hexes to the game due to the balancing problems they brought as Hexes were too varied in what they could do.

IGN: Despada
Guild: I Can Outtweet A Centaur [TWIT]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TriggerSad

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: uberman.2619


I totally forgot disease existed in GW1. Had a rad icon, too.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: mugen.4763


Disease should be tied to treb attacks to demote zerging xD It should also be a bit more potent like every time u go close to a player with disease you get an extra stack that stacks with intensity. Also maybe put an incubation buff on you if you dont have disease on and you get hit with it which gives you a short period to get away from people.

Mugen Tsukuyomi [ABC]
Sorrow’s Furnace

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frotee.2634


Ahhh yes, the good old GW1 hexes Loved them to death. Always ran a Spiteful Spirit build on my necro. That one is pretty much covered by confusion though.
Heck, I’d even keep disease in its ‘current’ form, where you have to be careful around enemies from the same species.

So yeah, I’d always be up for disease, barbs and fragility. Don’t see them added to the game though, sad as that is :/

Polka will never die

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

ANet already said that they won’t be adding Hexes to the game due to the balancing problems they brought as Hexes were too varied in what they could do.

Sadly its this varied combat that I’m missing in GW2. There were so many creative combinations you could do with hexes. It all just feels so simplified now. The combat system is missing the kind of depths that the old game had.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lily.1935


Ahhh yes, the good old GW1 hexes Loved them to death. Always ran a Spiteful Spirit build on my necro. That one is pretty much covered by confusion though.
Heck, I’d even keep disease in its ‘current’ form, where you have to be careful around enemies from the same species.

So yeah, I’d always be up for disease, barbs and fragility. Don’t see them added to the game though, sad as that is :/

Keep commenting and give it a + one and get people to like this to really build some steam on this and we might be able to convince the devs. Team work is something that is really lacking in GW2 where it was the core of GW1. We need more ways to support our allies in many different forms. And this is a good start for that.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Layka.7465


ANet already said that they won’t be adding Hexes to the game due to the balancing problems they brought as Hexes were too varied in what they could do.

Your sources? I can not find any Dev saying they do not want back hexes.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnat.9405


How would Disease be a zerg buster with all the AoE cleanses?

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Magische Boek.2530

Magische Boek.2530

i would like to see chill do damage if the one chilled is also burning. just like when something very hot is cooled down very fast it cracks.

I’m not arguing!
I’m simply explaining why I’m right.

3 new condition suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lily.1935


i would like to see chill do damage if the one chilled is also burning. just like when something very hot is cooled down very fast it cracks.

a trait that makes chilled do damage would be fine. Maybe for the ele.