62500 Baubles ...
250 × 50 = 12500 for 1 weapon. If you want just one, but if you want to give one to each character or to have a sort of full set you will need around 5 weapons.
So the OP is right, you need to grind a lot if you want your guardian have sword+shield, Staff, Longsword, and scepter.
But they are just that, a Skin, which was supposed to be the “endgame” promoted, so fair enough imo to have skins that require you to work for it, way better than having to grind for stats
It is indeed a bit of a grind. Yeah its way better then grinding for levels/stats but its inherent to humans to “want” what is avaiable and thus to experience the “next(whatever the next thing is)” thing as a grind.
Or you could farm the money to buy one of the non-account-bound versions in a few hours…
Honestly, people expect to be handed everything the second it goes live. It’s not bad at all.
Maybe I did misunderstood at time, what they said in Guild Wars 2 Manifesto, starting 01:22 to 01:42. They are talking about how they are against of grinding in Guild Wars 2 to get fun stuff. That they are doing Guild Wars 2 game totally different way, and players dont need to grind in the game. I know, it was just a marketing speech and they don’t need to keep their promises about the product.
ArenaNet have always held the position that you shouldn’t need to grind to play the game (that’s supposed to be the “fun stuff”). Meaning that the game should be fun from the start. However, they’ve always had a tradition of (some pretty serious) grinding for completely optional stuff such as skins, titles, etc.
As mentioned, the skins are on the trading post, I wouldn’t be surprised if the price drops as the month progresses. There’s also a ton of chests in all the zones where you can get baubles pretty easily =) I don’t personally like to see skins in Black Lion Chests either though, I’ll pass on those.
Sanctum of Rall
(edited by Eivene.9127)
They’ve always had vanity item grind. The stuff you need is fairly easy to get. If it’s vanity, you can expect to put in some serious grind for it.
For example, chaos gloves which needed 75 globs of ectoplasm. http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Chaos_Gloves_dye_chart.jpg
You had to either farm ectos from an endgame dungeon or pay a lot of ingame money.
Its not very grindy considering each cage boss you face gets you 2 bubbles = 500 baubles.
And you can do that once per day per character. Seems fairly easy to get at least 1 skin if not more just in averaging 1 zone per day
Honestly, people expect to be handed everything the second it goes live.
And then they storm the forums complaining that there’s nothing to do.
Maybe I did misunderstood at time, what they said in Guild Wars 2 Manifesto, starting 01:22 to 01:42. They are talking about how they are against of grinding in Guild Wars 2 to get fun stuff. That they are doing Guild Wars 2 game totally different way, and players dont need to grind in the game. I know, it was just a marketing speech and they don’t need to keep their promises about the product.
You misunderstood them.
You can play the Super Adventure Box without any need for grind. In a similar fashion, the gating mechanism for dungeons is quite shallow and devoid of grind (you have to do a single story to unlock explorable, or leech off someone that has). You can do fractals at level 1, or hearts, exploration, jump puzzles… You can do all the fun things without grinding.
What you don’t get, however, are rewards. There is a difference between the person that looks at content and the person that masters it. The person that masters it gets a badge to display that they have invested effort into mastery (or repeated failures and consolation prizes). That badge is cosmetic—a rare skin, tchotchke, or similar reward.
If you enjoy the content, it isn’t grind—it is a reward for playing the game and having fun. Since you seem to ignore the fact that you can get bauble bubbles through means other than getting 250 baubles, the assertion that you have to grind out 12,500 is a straw man argument. I had a couple hours to sink into it and chose a very non-optimal path (I explored and had fun). I ended up with 10 bubbles. If it takes me 10 hours to get a skin, that is no worse than getting a dungeon weapon.
So yes, you misunderstood because you heard what you wanted to hear, but they followed through on what they said they wanted to create.
Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]
The skins are all on the trade house, just search “skin.” If you don’t feel like grinding baubles, Anet provided a secondary way to get the skins you wanted.
I can understand grumbling about the fused weapons, which are pure gambling, but the holos are not that tough to get.
Maybe I did misunderstood at time, what they said in Guild Wars 2 Manifesto, starting 01:22 to 01:42. They are talking about how they are against of grinding in Guild Wars 2 to get fun stuff. That they are doing Guild Wars 2 game totally different way, and players dont need to grind in the game. I know, it was just a marketing speech and they don’t need to keep their promises about the product.
You misunderstood them.
You can play the Super Adventure Box without any need for grind. In a similar fashion, the gating mechanism for dungeons is quite shallow and devoid of grind (you have to do a single story to unlock explorable, or leech off someone that has). You can do fractals at level 1, or hearts, exploration, jump puzzles… You can do all the fun things without grinding.
What you don’t get, however, are rewards. There is a difference between the person that looks at content and the person that masters it. The person that masters it gets a badge to display that they have invested effort into mastery (or repeated failures and consolation prizes). That badge is cosmetic—a rare skin, tchotchke, or similar reward.
If you enjoy the content, it isn’t grind—it is a reward for playing the game and having fun. Since you seem to ignore the fact that you can get bauble bubbles through means other than getting 250 baubles, the assertion that you have to grind out 12,500 is a straw man argument. I had a couple hours to sink into it and chose a very non-optimal path (I explored and had fun). I ended up with 10 bubbles. If it takes me 10 hours to get a skin, that is no worse than getting a dungeon weapon.
So yes, you misunderstood because you heard what you wanted to hear, but they followed through on what they said they wanted to create.
Everything in this game is grinding. All hearts, PoI,Vista are the SAME in every zone. There is NO SINGLE QUEST since or before Halloween that will take you to more than one zone to do it.
You are just repeating the same content over and over in another zone with a different look. All the quests you do – aka heart quests – have no connection with you or your story.
GW1’s quests were totally in connection with eachother even if they were secondary quests. In here is they drop 10, 15, 100 more events in one zone they are still random variations of the same thing with no connections whatsoever to your character.
The only thing that is different in GW2 compared to other MMOs is the scaling down system which amplifies the statement EVERY ZONE is the SAME THING.
And another things they mentioned in that Marketing manifesto, was that the “people who you saved, will remember you” and they will be in your HOME instance.
Do you feel like any NPC in this game “remembers” your character for what they you did for them? At contrary, they have the stupid excuse:" Oh, I din;t see you there"
So, Ilmatar didn’t misunderstand the meaning of grinding, you misunderstood the meaning of having fun
They’ve always had vanity item grind. The stuff you need is fairly easy to get. If it’s vanity, you can expect to put in some serious grind for it.
For example, chaos gloves which needed 75 globs of ectoplasm. http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Chaos_Gloves_dye_chart.jpg
You had to either farm ectos from an endgame dungeon or pay a lot of ingame money.
Grinding for vanity items is ok, but putting it in a time limit is the climax of grinding mentality that can cross game developers minds.
(edited by Ronah.2869)
Create new char→ go to your home city→ go to LA → go to rata sum→ do sunny glades and cahs in the 2 bauble bubbles→ delete char→ create char→ etc.
Create new char-> go to your home city-> go to LA -> go to rata sum-> do sunny glades and cahs in the 2 bauble bubbles-> delete char-> create char-> etc.
and enjoy your ban that is sure to follow
Create new char-> go to your home city-> go to LA -> go to rata sum-> do sunny glades and cahs in the 2 bauble bubbles-> delete char-> create char-> etc.
and enjoy your ban that is sure to follow
I’m not sure if they’d ban you for doing that.
Considering they mentioned that they allow people to repeatedly make new characters to get the Black Lion Keys from the level 10 personal story rewards.
There’s two kinds of people… The quick and the dead”
yes but the difference would be the keys 1 take longer. you can run the chest in 5 minutes.
and 2 if you are making toons that often you are looking to cash in by selling them. start flooding the market and you shouldnt be surprised.
i do admit they are unlikely to do anything to you if you are keeping the skins. but try and capitilize and you may just tempt fate there. why risk it?
Create new char-> go to your home city-> go to LA -> go to rata sum-> do sunny glades and cahs in the 2 bauble bubbles-> delete char-> create char-> etc.
and enjoy your ban that is sure to follow
If they haven’t banned people (and I believe even stated that they do not care) for doing that for free blc keys, they won’t start banning people for this.
Create new char-> go to your home city-> go to LA -> go to rata sum-> do sunny glades and cahs in the 2 bauble bubbles-> delete char-> create char-> etc.
and enjoy your ban that is sure to follow
If they haven’t banned people (and I believe even stated that they do not care) for doing that for free blc keys, they won’t start banning people for this.
time difference and cash difference. am i saying its likely? probably not but unless they say like they did with the keys why even risk your account when you can use the same 5 characters each day to grab 2 bubbles and usually at least 50 baubles(grab the key at the start and carry it to the second chest for 20) means 11 bubbles a day in under 30 minutes.
You can get all the skins without any extra hassle. I just don’t see the point of making 20 more toons to sell off a few skins that i can’t use just to make a couple gold that I could make just playing normally in the same time. And have even the remotest chance of it banning my account.
just not worth it
I don’t know about you lot, but I just have’nt the time to grind for all this stupid stuff.
GW2 is just one big massive grind, and they just keep adding more and more grind.
I don’t know about you lot, but I just have’nt the time to grind for all this stupid stuff.
GW2 is just one big massive grind, and they just keep adding more and more grind.
I don’t know about you lot, but I just haven’t the gun to my head forcing me to grind for all this optional stuff.
GW2 is just one big massive diversion, and they just keep adding more and more diversions.
Create new char-> go to your home city-> go to LA -> go to rata sum-> do sunny glades and cahs in the 2 bauble bubbles-> delete char-> create char-> etc.
I’d highly recommend running zones 1 and 2. Zone 2 is just as fast if not faster then zone 1 if you take the shortcut worm. I ran 1-3 on all 8 of my chars last night in about 2 hours. 2 Hours for a skin isn’t great, but it isnt too bad either. Considering those 2 hours in CoF would have gotten me AT MOST 20g. I broke even at the very least. If i didn’t run zone 3, i coulda shaved at least 1:15min off that time too. Doing just zone 1 and 2 a day on all your chars will gives you more then enough bauble baubles to get all the bound skins you could ever want.
They are about 10G in TP, for the ones who grind, you may buy it with gold for don’t grind.
Asura thing.
These skins fit perfectly in the Guild Wars no-grind philosophy. You shouldn’t blame a.net for not understanding what that means.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto