A DOTA style map or game type

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kline.9561


I think it would be fun and interesting to see, also very possible with how pvp and the professions are setup in this game
and something Anet should look into doing or think about

i mean look at the wild success of dota genre games
it would be crazy not to do this

And before says my build doesn’t work, when Ele’s get nerfed it will be -Schwahrheit

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


I’m strangely ok with this.

I am not a fan of moba’s for two reasons:

1) I hate (i cannot emphasize this enough) clicking to move my characters. I’ve always hated it, I always will.

2) I do not care for the isometric angle.

Other than that, the idea of creeps and lanes and all the things that go with mobas have all been appealing, but the style of combat has always been the biggest turnoff for me.

I love the gw2 combat system, I love the camera (now). Now, you would have to remove the leveling up and gear portion of the moba style map, but everything else might work, and might be a lot of fun.


A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: nurt.5401


I just think the core reason mobas work is because of leveling and getting gear over the course of the game. Partially the psychology of it, there’s something fun about leveling up and getting stuff and trying to farm, but also because leveling and farming gold are the mechanics that drive map movement. Like the reason people don’t just 5 man push mid is because you miss all the XP and farm from the other lanes etc. For it to work in GW2 without levels and XP it would basically have to be a completely new game type.

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I’m strangely ok with this.

I am not a fan of moba’s for two reasons:

1) I hate (i cannot emphasize this enough) clicking to move my characters. I’ve always hated it, I always will.

2) I do not care for the isometric angle.

Other than that, the idea of creeps and lanes and all the things that go with mobas have all been appealing, but the style of combat has always been the biggest turnoff for me.

I love the gw2 combat system, I love the camera (now). Now, you would have to remove the leveling up and gear portion of the moba style map, but everything else might work, and might be a lot of fun.


There is a game called Smite which is a third-person perspective moba, maybe check it out.

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I dislike moba type games because of the combat system – you give few hits, go back hide behind the mobs, give few hits again if enemy rushes towards you, then he retreats: repeat 90% of the match until the interesting part in bases start…

Also it will not work here because every character is leveled to the max while entering the mists and have gear equality – that is also a thing missing in moba. Why do people always put dota or lol in this forum as a pinnacle of succession that everyone (even from different genres of games) should follow by copying that style? I like playing quake and counter-strike, and they are very popular, but that does not mean I would like playing a rocket jumping necromancer or bomb defusing engineer.

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

but that does not mean I would like playing a rocket jumping necromancer or bomb defusing engineer.

A rocket jumping necromancer sounds freaking awesome.

Make it happen Arenanet.

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: Proven.2854


A MOBA mode would only work in GW2 if they did something similar to the Halloween MOBA game mode: instead of farming for RPG type bonuses, you’re carrying out an objective to make your overall team stronger.

Coincidentally, that’s the only way I’d enjoy a MOBA; too much RPG and build orders.

Call me Smith.

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


If anything, a MOBA style game would work well with GW2’s level system, whereas it might not work so well in any other MMO.

Since GW2 characters are auto-scaled to max level, in a MOBA map they can be auto-scaled to level 30, and then over the course of the match they can earn levels, items, unlock skills, etc.

GW2’s ability to dynamically alter player levels is exactly what would make a MOBA set up work.

Having said that though, I hate MOBA games :P

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: xiv.7136


I had this dream a while back


I like pizza

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phira.3970


Yes I am for the idea. There is even a fractal dungeon that is similar where everyone has to become a charr. There are bunch of opposing npc mobs fighting and siege shooting at us so everything is essentially there to make a MOBA game mode. Also including the chain event system and quests in the PvP mode suits MOBA games as they often include PvE elements such as these. Their sub-objectives that help accomplish the main objective.

Edit: Oh and I believe what will save sPvP is not ranking nor custom game modes and the such. It’s the game mode. Old ideas such as capture the flag or conquer just don’t cut it for E sports. The game mode needs to be 20-45ish minutes long fight rather than the current 10ish and have an objective that makes sense such as destroying the enemies base or killing a guild lord, not the current standing and camping on capture points that’ll magically grant points for victory (Who’d want to watch this on twitch tv?).

(edited by Phira.3970)

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: mouse.1689


During development, the Devs tested various game types, including CTF, Escort, Deathmatch, and yes, even MOBA style lanes gameplay. In the end, they felt the systems they’d designed worked best with Conquer gameplay, which is why they focused on it at launch.

A lot of the devs are also MOBA players, though, so they understand what makes that style of game appealing. I think they’ll eventually add more gameplay types, and given that they’ve actually tested MOBA style gameplay for GW2 in the past, it’s not out of the question that they might revisit it.

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I really can’t stand MOBA style gameplay. Thats why I’m playing an mmo. With that being said, i wouldnt be upset if they added it as long as i wasn’t forced to play it. More options could attract more players, and I’m always down for that.

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kline.9561


If anything, a MOBA style game would work well with GW2’s level system, whereas it might not work so well in any other MMO.

Since GW2 characters are auto-scaled to max level, in a MOBA map they can be auto-scaled to level 30, and then over the course of the match they can earn levels, items, unlock skills, etc.

GW2’s ability to dynamically alter player levels is exactly what would make a MOBA set up work.

Having said that though, I hate MOBA games :P

I was thinking maybe a more streamlined version take out leveling completely but leave the currency build and upgrade shops. have it be more of a currency race to achieve better upgrades like movement speed or attack speed
stats/affects nothing major just small percentages and numbers that can mildly build up over time that all professions can benefit from. but be careful dying to other players will make you lose points used for buying upgrades.

that way it keeps it more skill based/even playing field while allowing people to add depth to there builds and class

And before says my build doesn’t work, when Ele’s get nerfed it will be -Schwahrheit