So as of now, any new players coming into the game, have no way of knowing what happened during the Karka invasion or when the Mad King broke through the Lion’s Arch statue, except from maybe some NPCs who say something about it, or if some other players who were there recount what happened. Here is an idea that I think they will love, as will people who were there.
A library, perhaps placed in Lion’s Arch. You go in, and its nice inside. Lots of books, and some stand out. These books can be interacted with, and, similar to what Bethesda does with books in Fallout 3 and the Elder Scroll’s series, have stories all about myths, lore, children’s stories, etc. all relating to the GW2 world (obviously lmao :P)
So lets say you open up a book titled “The Karka Invasion”. You open it up, and get the option for a written summary of the event and what happened, or something else which I think people will really like: The option to pick an important day of the event, in the case of the Karka, that being each day lol, and travel to a special rendition of the events of that day, where you start like off to the side, and can walk around this designated area, and the events of that area are reenacted by scripted NPCs. So for the beginning, lets say you start off on the beach, near the lighthouse. Either text or a voice actor (Anet can be the judge of which one they wanna use lol ^-^) begins to tell you how it all started:
“It was a warm, sunny day in Lion’s Arch, like any other day. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, and then, out of the deep waters, a horrific creature sprung out and onto the mainland!” (you’re on the beach, and the Karka jumps out of the water right in front of you, and you can move around and watch as it hits the lighthouse, and then makes it’s way into the city. You can hear screams, and fighting sounds from the city. From here, where you are on the beach, you can stay around and hang out if you want, but after the scripted parts reenacting what happened, a portal, unnamed, unlisted, just a portal, appears in the direction that the Karka had soared over you, into the city. The portal is conveniently placed in the direction that the events are headed, you know? So you go into the portal….)
That is my idea of how this would work, and again, to save space and time, these designated areas are specifically important parts to the events of that day. So, like on the day of the final push to drive the Karka back, the first area can be on the beach where we fought the smaller karka, then a portal takes you to the second area, where we lured the karka out, and let the bomb squad sneak into the mountain and arm explosives. Then, the third area, which can be for when we pushed the ancient karka back in, and the explosives went off and it died in the lava.
Something like that
I think this would be a great way to retell past events to new and veteran players alike, and at the end, once you’ve finished a book, you get a little reward, like a memento from that event, so for the Karka event, maybe you get a little dynamite stick, that could be put into a slot in a new tab you’ll have in your achievements titled “Historical Mementos” or something haha. There could also be achievements you get for reading the books, maybe for reading 5 books, you get a “Book Worm” achievement, and for reading all the books, you get one called “Gotta read ’em all!” (get it :P)
How does this sound to you all?