A More Integrated Website

A More Integrated Website

in Suggestions

Posted by: ACGalaga.7369


I’ve only just started playing GW2 and am loving it! Great game!!

Here’s my suggestion:

You also have us log on to the official GW2 site to access the forums and account info which is pretty neat, but I wish there was more to do on the site itself. This is a social game, it’d be nice if the site also reflected that besides just being able to post in the forums. I think updating the site to be more of a social network (like steam) could certainly make our experience even more enjoyable.

Things such as being able to select one of our characters as a profile picture, being able to access out character information, being able to read in-game mails on the site (with the option of getting notifications), up loading pictures we take to our profile page, having our to our contacts list so we can access their profiles easier and see what they are doing in the game (also being updated on their achievements through a ‘news feed’ type front page), being able to view guild information and news, having access to the trading post to see new deals and upgrades, etc… Top this off with making an official app for smartphones!

These are just some ideas from the top of my head. Haven’t gotten into the game too much yet, but I certainly see potential for a GW2 website that I’d want to access daily (hourly even). Make a Guild Wars community!

Just random thoughts. Thanks for making yet another awesome game!!

A More Integrated Website

in Suggestions

Posted by: Netsu.3769


I don’t feel such a strong need for a social network site, but being able to fill your forum profile some more would really help.
Having avatars (or character pictures as profiles) really makes any forum feel better, it’s also much easier to recognize members from their avatars than from their user names. I actually find it pretty hard to read the topics here without any avatars.
Having information like server or guild name show up below your user name would also be a great addition. Country of residence, age and gender are all nice optional information that improve the community feeling.
Right now the forum feels very bare-bones, more like a mailing list.

The Jolly Fellas [JF]
Seafarer’s Rest server