A New Orr

A New Orr

in Suggestions

Posted by: prenavo.3926


Why not make a new version of Orr for lvl 80 only. All three zones. Make them lush green jungles and beaches. Make them have new dynamic events, world bosses, champs and loot. Give it a small city area.
Make it so it is only accessible after completing the Arah personal story step. Let lvl 80 characters have the option of zoning into Orr old or Orr new. Throw in a new permanent dungeon that rewards new stuff/skins. It would totally be doable and wouldn’t screw up people working on there story and it would give people new stuff to do that won’t go away.
As far as the kind of conflicts that could happen in the new Orr…
1. Many different factions are coming back to Orr to resettle the land and claim it’s lost riches. This could also be an opportunity to include some faction game play by making it so you do a story quest for one of these faction. Each faction could have end rewards that are unique from each other.
2. We’d also see a fair amount of Pirates in the waters and Bandits on the roadways. Skritt, ever the opportunists, would set up camps and cause havoc.

There are tons of possibilities with this set up.

A New Orr

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mikuchan.7261


I agree with that Orr should grow lush green with time.
Living world updating is the answer.
However I disagree with “phasing”, that’s just a terrible design flaw.
I think Zaithan needs to permanently get killed off first… Which is about time… And then we can get our lush green Orr.

A New Orr

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cidhappens.4086


Hmmm… how to access it?
—> how will Zhaitan’s killers be able to play with others who haven’t killed Zhaitan yet?

Main: E/G 80
2nd: the other six classes 80
standby: G 80/ M 50 / T 45/ W 35 / …

A New Orr

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aisina.4963


Played since Beta.
14 level 80s.
Still not killed Zhaitan.

A new zone which I can’t access till I’ve completed my story… I don’t know. Maybe.
I might actually do it then. I’ve only not done it because I wanted Orr to make sense.
Might be nice.

S/F Asuran Elementalist

A New Orr

in Suggestions

Posted by: Delwar.4201


Hmmm… how to access it?
—> how will Zhaitan’s killers be able to play with others who haven’t killed Zhaitan yet?

They could probably add an option like “Pre-Zhaitan” or “Post-Zhaitan” on the map near where Orr is located that you can turn on and off. It would be a pain in the butt.

Commander of Sentinels of Melandru

A New Orr

in Suggestions

Posted by: EpicHedgehog.1754


Or if they make an asura gate that teleports you back in time through the mists to Orr, when the gods were still in there and everything was green and beautifull = new zone+city + maybe a dungeon, or maybe a possible new fractal, who knows, its just an epic idea, i always wanted to see how does the Orr look before the Charrs attacked it.

Not good at english ^^