A Plea

A Plea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skybourne.4831


I am an avid Guild Wars fanatic and i love this game. It is truly amazing, beautiful, and enormous in scope but there is one and only one thing that keeps me aggravated: The skill system.

I don’t frequent the forums very often and i’m sure this topic has been covered already yet i feel the need to speak my mind as well. I played Guild Wars 1 for 3 solid years when it launched and enjoyed my time there immensely, but i eventually moved on because i craved a persistent environment and said frequently that if Anet ever came back to the title and made a persistent sequel, then i would be beyond elated.

Well that happened and I was extremely happy. They nailed nearly everything i could have possibly dreamed of, yet they traded the skill system for a persistent world it seems and this sank my heart. The skill system MADE the first game. I enjoyed the fact that i could put my skills wherever i felt they needed to go. I can’t do that in this game and it is driving me nuts and is actually preventing me from fully immersing myself.

I’m not calling for the original skill system from the first game. I am calling for the ability to put the currently implemented skills anywhere on my bar. I may not want weapon skills 3,4 and 5 where they are. I need to be able to put some of the unlock-able skills on my first 5 keys if i so choose to. This creates the illusion of choice, and some may view this as unimportant, i would heartily disagree.

In closing, i love this game, the lore, the scenery, and the combat. The ability to place my skills wherever i choose to would totally cement my virtual allegiance to this title totally and completely and i want that badly. Until i can do that, however, it’s not on the table.

I hope other feel as i do and if not then please don’t be disrespectful as this topic was not created for the purpose of flaming or anything negative. Just a singular point of view that is important to me. Have a wonderful evening everyone


A Plea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goettel.4389


You might want to hook up with https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Ergonomics-Repetitive-Motion-and-GW2/

I’m not sure if they will change this of course, but technically I don’t see any obstacle to changing it, since the elite skillbar already offers it.

Send an Asura who knows math. Problem solved.

A Plea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skybourne.4831


I appreciate your response and i took a look at the thread. I have tried the bindings and i understand that the skills can be moved in this manner but it really threw me off. I tried getting used to it but it just doesn’t offer what a flexible UI could offer. We’ll see what happens. Maybe they’ll make a change to it one day.