A UI to show dungeon lockout status
It’s very easy.
You simply check your daily If it’s reset, you’re good to go. If not, then you wait.
Besides, WoW has no issues when using Dungeon Finder and there is no diminished returns for points there.
It’s not really needed.
I really would love something like this, some way to chech wich path’s you’ve done today..
I often jump around random dungeons a lot in the day, and its a real pain to figure out i did a path already that day after i get my diminished tokens..
shouldn’t be that hard to have some small tab checking off which path you’ve done and how many times.
Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.