A way to boost pve rewards

A way to boost pve rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: JubeiTM.5763


So a lot of talk has been going on about the lack of farming capabilities in PvE world for loot etc. and how CoF P1 farming is the clear most efficient way to farm gold/obtain materials for crafting higher tier weapons.

Already meta events provide chains from one to another and usually have a rewards chest at the final event. But people mostly just arrive after the pre-events are completed. So why not have rewards progressively improve for those who have completed gold for multiple meta-events leading towards the final event?

For instance:

Players completing multiple events will have magic find/loot chance for higher tier materials increased.
Chest rewards increase depending upon how many events he/she completed during the meta-chain.

ANet won’t have to give a constant 200% MF buff to a player and then nerf the regular drop chances to oblivion because the rewards are based on participation throughout the chain.Furthermore, this is not exactly exploitable by bots because the location of the farming on the map would constantly chain and is variable depending upon the number of participants per event.

It’s just an idea, haven’t exactly thought about the logistics as to what would be an appropriate value for the increase of rewards/loot (ex. exponential, linear). Perhaps this will also force players to make a choice between farming CoF p1 forever to gain more gold in order to buy the t6 mats or those doing these types of meta events and obtain the T6 mats through those means.

Just to give you an idea, if this was actually implemented, here are the areas that would be affected (excluding dragon world bosses) here.

Some examples include:

Blazeridge Steppes
Diessa Plateau
Fireheart Rise
Harathi Hinterlands
Mount Maelstrom
All 3 orr maps
Southsun cove
Frostgorge Sound

For example, in Harathi Hinterlands you can just teleport and participate in killing Ulgoth and get the same reward as the players who started and aided the Seraph armies for 2 hours in over 9 events.

For those interested, this is the whole chain event: LINK

What if the game adds a higher chance for a better reward for every event the player completed:

+ 5% Gold Find
+5% Magic Find
The percent stacks so it’s in the players interest to participate and build it up. The last events will be greatly compensated.
+ 5% Chance per every event completed to get an exotic item in the final chest. So the final chance would be around 50%. This way the rewards add up and people will be more motivated to participate.

Don’t nerf COF! Buff PVE!
Source: Reddit / CyaNBlu3

A way to boost pve rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rama.6439


Anet doesnt want you to get more, they want you to get less, so that you have to buy gems to turn into gold.

Some people dont do this some people know how to acquire gold, but its the casual players that Anet is doing this nerfing for so that they will buy gems but it is punishing the players that play all the time and they will not play much longer cause they make gold in game and dont buy gems, they will more then likely move to another game, like me, I’m just waiting around for ESO and giving Anet a hard time in the meantime.

Arcubus Balefire – 80 Guardian
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…

A way to boost pve rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Anet doesnt want you to get more, they want you to get less, so that you have to buy gems to turn into gold.

There’s no evidence of that. If anything, they have added more ways to make or save money: the southsun zergs, the guaranteed loot from champs, the bonus chests once/character for the fire elemental (one minute fight), and so on.

The problem with simple farms is that they are targets for bots and bots are substantially more efficient than humans.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

A way to boost pve rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: JubeiTM.5763


Anet doesnt want you to get more, they want you to get less, so that you have to buy gems to turn into gold.

Then why are they allowing me to make 7-10 Gold/hour in a Zerk Rush farming COF P1? Is it worth having empty maps and low player morale just so bot’s won’t work?

A way to boost pve rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bright.9160


Anet doesnt want you to get more, they want you to get less, so that you have to buy gems to turn into gold.

Then why are they allowing me to make 7-10 Gold/hour in a Zerk Rush farming COF P1? Is it worth having empty maps and low player morale just so bot’s won’t work?

To be honest, I wouldn’t mind them nerfing CoF p1 and having a new bot wave. It would finally fix the economy a bit…

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu