A bevy of assorted suggestions for multiple facets of the game

A bevy of assorted suggestions for multiple facets of the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Marshal.3490

Lord Marshal.3490

I don’t visit the forums much, as I’m to busy enjoying the game :P So I’m going to post all the ideas I’ve had gurgling around in my brain for the last two weeks. These are in no particular order, and I will try to keep them short. Also I apolgize if some of these are repeats of often requested features/suggestions.

1. Human racials need some tweaking. The healing racial is pretty decent, but the utlity ones are medicore. The elites defiently need some work. The hounds are fine, but the other ones are very dissapointing. Grenth needs an acutal transformation, not to just make you turn colors. It also needs to do more or last longer. Melandru could use abit of tweaking as well. But the Grenth elite and the general utilities need the most work.

2. Add the following to the gem shop:
Name change
“barber shop”
Race change ( see next suggestion before you mention the personal story issue)

3. After we beat our personal story we should be able to reset it, to the first quest after finishing the tutorial. Like a GW2 version of New Game+. Allowing you to see all the options of your story allowed within your creation options, plus just doing it again for fun and glory, another unqiue “endgame” feature.
And if someone pays for a race change, this would activate automatically, starting them with the new races story. They would have to go through an abbreaviated creation proccess of course to choose the new race specific options.

4. PLEASE give us an option to turn off friendly offensive spell affects, so we can actually see what we are doing in melee. Also PLEASE make these options robust, like only hide non combo field friendly abilities, or hide them all etc.

5. Please make enemy red warning circles thicker/bigger. Also maybe a darker red. They can be hard to see sometimes, especially for color blind people.

6. We need more feedback options. For example I should be able to set the UI so something pops up or my character says something when my dodge is back up or my healing ability is off regen. These should all come with options of course so people who like the ways things are cant keep the status quo.

7. Preview options in Trading Post.

8. Ability to sort Trading Post by usable and already known, really really need this. Especially when shopping for dyes and recipes.

9. Vendors that sell town clothing. I know it will be a big Gem Shop thing in the future. But there should be at least a few different options in game that can be purchased with karma and/or gold.

10. Enhance the current LFG finder just a tad. I’m fine with no traditional auto placement LFG system. What we have would be fine except for one tweak please.. Allow us to write a long sentence/line explaining what we want a group for.

For example : LF2M AC story mode, NON speed run OR LFG to do zone hearts

As it stands we have no idea what the people in the finder are looking for and whispering to ask down the list is very irksome so I personnaly dont bother to use it.

11. When someone is reported for spamming or something similar, the game should auto silence at the very LEAST if not auto ban them after lets say 50 people report them. Its annoying to report a gold spammer and see them spamming 20 minutes later. I know it will get looked at eventually but they need to muted immediately.
So if everyone in Lions Arch reports someone for gold spam they should be auto muted from Map chat for an hour. Hopefully someone will investigate by then, and if not and they start again they get hit with the automute again.
Requiring a high number of reports would prevent this from being abused to harass people.

Thanks for taking the time to read all this. Feel free to discuss.


A bevy of assorted suggestions for multiple facets of the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Marshal.3490

Lord Marshal.3490

Not sure what the bumping policy is, so this will be my one and only bump. So more people can see my ideas on this fast moving forum.


A bevy of assorted suggestions for multiple facets of the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: roqoco.4053


Some reasonable suggestions. Race/profession changes seem to be going a little far. If you want to do the other personal stories or another profession just make an alt. If your character doesn’t work out just make a new one, whats the hurry? – the game has plenty of content so alts can do different things.