A chat color different for a Commander

A chat color different for a Commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: OracionS.9810


Hi there,

well basically I suggested this as it may be a game changer in WvW and PVE maps alike.
How it could be activated is only when a player turns on his/her Commander Icon and the commander’s color specific chat is available to you other than Team,Map etc. chat.

It would greatly improve instructions given out in WvW/PVE as it stands out more and it would be more likely to be seen by the mass in the map

I know you guys would probably tell me to use Team chat and get others to use Map chat but sometimes people may still use the team chat to communicate and people would get confused especially times when its more of a suggestion like " we should capture xxx "

hoping that it would be implemented soon

Tendou Shinji ,Thief
[SYN] Synapse – Sanctum of Rall
Pseudo Commander

A chat color different for a Commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: twwizzie.3842



Might be also good to have it in middle of screen like the notice of Anet server reset.
But that only in WvWvW