A dot or mark next to NPC's we've chatted with.

A dot or mark next to NPC's we've chatted with.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lox.1089


There are so many NPC’s in this game! So much text, so many voice dialogs, so many triggered events. How are we to keep track of who we’ve talked to, and not? How do we know when an NPC has something new to say? Just keep checking all the NPC’s in the game world whenever we walk by?

What would be great, is a little dot, right next to an NPC’s name after we’ve explored all their dialog options. The little dot would be our check mark that lets us know, we have talked to this NPC before, and have interacted with them in all the ways we can.

The Arenanet crew has put massive amounts of time into making these characters feel like they’re part of the world, I’d hate to miss out on a good event, quip, pun, popculture reference, or interesting bit of lore because I forgot to click one person in a town of 20+ NPCS.

A dot or mark next to NPC's we've chatted with.

in Suggestions

Posted by: HarrisonLewis.6781


I understand your concern; I too would like to chuckle over some nicely written dialogue but I don’t think that we should add a checklist to people we’ve talked to. Do you speak to everyone in real life once and then check them off a list (or put a dot on them)? It’s supposed to be a persistent, lively world and by ‘checking off’ talked-to NPCs it’s taking away another point of immersion into the world knowing that you’ve experienced everything in a particular zone. This is just my opinion though. Glad to see someone so keen to get everything out of this game.

“Humans believe they are the only intelligent race. They are wrong. I wish I
could teach them to open their eyes, but as the saying goes, ‘There are those
who can awaken, and those who are doomed to sleep.’” Talon Silverwing, 1078 AE