A few Suggestions (and gripes)
one small addition please for gods sake add a way for us to see how long has someone been inactive so i can remove players from the guild that are not playing any more
My guild did a dungeon the other night without it being a bloody marathon. That’s because we assigned responsibilities, worked as a group, and didn’t just charge in like a bunch of idiots.
The 1st warrior did primary damage with 2h sword. The second warrior provided stun/daze support with a 2h hammer. The engineer provided crowd control with nets, snares, and provided support with his heal misters. The guardian deflected ranged attack with his deflection walls, and the mesmer kept agro off the warriors with his clones distracting everything else.
Fairly certain we are playing the game right, and have fun doing it. Frustrates me when people insinuate they just run into a dungeon and die like a bunch of meat heads, and act like its the design of the games fault.
With that said, making karma/tokens/and dyes account bound would be nice, simply because the way it is now, in my opinion, encourages a player to limit the amount of characters they have.
I think i calculated id need over 1000 tokens to outfit a whole suit of armor… and from what i’ve done, have only seen about 5 tokens drop per dungeon trip. when i did the math, all i could say was … ugh. its already a requirement for me to get a second character over lvl 60 to wear the armor, and i’m fine with it being soul bound after i purchase it. but good grief, god forbid i want to outfit 2 characters with a full set of gear each :p