A few suggestions

A few suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: TaskeR.7063


Let me first start by saying i love the game. The amount of detail is staggering, the game is beautiful and it runs great on my system. The gameplay is fun, responsive and i really have to thank Anet for a great product. That being said, there are a few things that annoy me from time to time that i think could be improved.

1- The camera:

It’s sometimes hard to enjoy the art in the game with the camera restrictions being the way they are. It’s difficult to look at a big statue or building or just walking in a big city and really get a good perspective of how grand and marvelous the art is when my character is always in the way. I often times find myself tilting the camera all the way down to look up and appreciate the scenery only to end up staring at my characters kitten taking half the screen. It’s also very aggravating when it come to certain jumping puzzles. So enabling first person perspective and increasing the camera distance would really do justice to the art and make the game more enjoyable and immersive.

2- The targgetting system:

This really bugs me. The problem being, i often accidentally deselect my selected target by using the camera functions when fighting. This come from the fact that i can target a mob with both a left click and a right click and that i can also move the camera with a left click or a right click. So when fighting groups of mobs it’s fairly easy to want to move your camera to one side by holding mouse button 2 and moving the mouse only to realize that you had your mouse cursor over a mob when doing so and that you now have a new selected target…. then having to tab back to your previously selected target or to mouse click it… just makes combat messy. I know targets don’t need to be selected for skills to hit when your in melee range but for ranged classes and control freaks like me, it’s really annoying.

This could be solved by making mouse button 2 unable to select a target.

Also, a bigger and brighter colored circle around your selected target would be great! On certain terrain, specially when fighting a group, it’s sometimes pretty hard to make out what target you have selected.

3- Mounts!

I know this has probably been suggested a million times but with the cost of waypoints being what they are coupled with the sheer size of the map, mounts would really make the game more enjoyable.

Thx for considering these suggestions!

A few suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

1- has been suggested, mechanical issues as to why it doesn’t work, might get fixed someday.

2- I’ve never had this problem, but an optional box in the controls menu wouldn’t hurt.

3- No. A-net already said no. A large majority of players know this is a bad idea. Instant travel from the two farthest points in the game costs very little at the very most.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

A few suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SciChronic.3846


i would like it if the cost for waypoints was based on shortest path rather than radial distance from the waypoint.

A few suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Or you could just walk. Press H, go to Heart of the Mists, gate to Lions Arch, gate to nearest capital city. Now, that puts you with 18-45 second travel to: Hoelbrak, Black Citadel, Lions Arch, Ebonhawke, Fort Trinity, Divinity’s Reach, Rata Sum, or The Grove, from anywhere in the world, for absolutely free. Now, the farthest point from any of those cities that isn’t closer to any other city is around 2 silver.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear