A great addition to the game would be..

A great addition to the game would be..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wing.4297



Not ones that can fly, but ground mounts, ex. horses.

A thing that I dislike about this game is the amount of walking it takes to explore.
People might say “There are waypoints for a reason” but I’d rather ride a mount and take in the beautiful scenery of Tyria while exploring, rather than teleporting.

What’s the reason that’s holding ArenaNet back from adding mounts to the game?

A great addition to the game would be..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


because they don’t want to?
Also have you noticed anyone riding mounts in the world? \
no- that is because they walk.

Gunnar’s Hold

A great addition to the game would be..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bismuth.3165


stop trying to make mounts happen, it’s not going to happen

Jeeha (ele) and Jeeha The Warrior
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over

A great addition to the game would be..

in Suggestions

Posted by: AesirValkyr.7418


Another post about wanting mounts? There is no reason to have mounts other then cosmetic. on most classes, you get a passive speed increase, or a utility buff. Use way points, or if you don’t the WP, then just run over there, its not that far.

I could go for cosmetic mounts with no speed increase beyond your natural speed. Not the huge flying dragon things, but something non-intrusive that adds to the game.

A great addition to the game would be..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Paponzi.1637


Only if my Asura will be able to ride a Charr

A great addition to the game would be..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ake.3014


Also have you noticed anyone riding mounts in the world? \
no- that is because they walk.

There’s mounts in the lore!


Of course, there’s still reasons to not include mounts like balance and art work, but they’re lore friendly!

A great addition to the game would be..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kantos.1730


Bah! We don’t need mounts. Although, technically the Riding Broom and Tunneling Tool are mounts. Additional Cosmetic mounts would be fine with me. I may even buy one or two.

A great addition to the game would be..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vitus Dance.4509

Vitus Dance.4509

‘I want horsies and boats and dragons and spaceships and magic carpets and submarines and and and…’

The world of GW2 just isn’t expansive enough to warrant the inclusion of mounts – they’d only serve to make an already small world even smaller.
What’s wrong with speed buffs, waypoints or the good ol’ shoelace express anyhoo?

A great addition to the game would be..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hawk.3574


There are only 2 ways I can see mounts working.

The first is add mounts to all areas except cities, have no movement speed bonus, have the cost of one start at 50 gold and if you get hit or put into combat you get knocked off and knocked down for x seconds.

The other would be new maps designed for mounts. All other maps wouldnt allow them as they arent made to handle them but these new maps could even have your flying mounts as people seem to want those too.

A great addition to the game would be..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vitus Dance.4509

Vitus Dance.4509

have no movement speed bonus, have the cost of one start at 50 gold

50 gold for a mount that moves no quicker than you would on foot?
Nope, still not seeing it.