A greater Variety of Monsters

A greater Variety of Monsters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cushnahan.7058


A few months ago I started my voyage into the depths of Tyria. As a human, at first I naturally stumbled upon bandits, Drakes, Skales, Centaurs and Harpies…. more centaurs… more bandits, more centaurs, more bandits… hold on.

I was not particularily phazed by the millions of centaurs trampling Queensdale, Kessex Hills and every surrounding area. Okay, there is a story to it.

By level 15 I had my first encounter with a mob that literally makes me skin crawl: RAPTORS. I avoided them as much as I could, but kept stumbling across them on literally EVERY map I went. 10,000 Jungle, Eagle and Black raptors later, I finally found a patch of snow and thought “Okay raptors are so lightly feathered, they sure cannot survive in this cold weather.” Happily, I made my way through the snowy part of Gendarran fields, turned my camera and immediately froze dead at the sight of: ANOTHER RAPTOR. I get it, ANET loves old, ugly, scary and unsettlingly creepy monsters, but REALLY?

At lvl 25 (I greatly skipped the main storyline) I ran into my next doom. Undead. But it was not merely 20 maps (I finally found ways to avoid those 20 raptor clustered maps) but I found undead on EVERY, SINGLE, MAP, IN, THE, GAME (Oh except for Queensdale/Charr areas).

At 70 I finally ventured to the nice temples, to see if there were any good items up for grabs from the Karma Merchants. I was promplty overrun by a stampede of Zombies, screaming ‘Kill… everything’. God, nooooooo! It took all the fun out of finding a group and estinguishing high priests, never mind comleting the maps. Sigh.

Basically those two sorts of mobs (as well as Drakes and Skales) overpopulate the whole of GW2. Is there a possibility of maybe replacing SOME of them with say for example… wind riders, grubs, ghosts? Or maybe something more appropriate than Raptors in icey mountains?

I’d be delighted if I could finally finish those last maps, because honestly, raptors and undead make my skin crawl.

A greater Variety of Monsters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morgoth Bauglyr.9726

Morgoth Bauglyr.9726

There are also undead raptors. they are pretty much the ugliest thing you can encounter.

A greater Variety of Monsters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mikemad.2495


More variety would be nice. : /

A greater Variety of Monsters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Electro.4173


Undead are a huge part of the story of the game, so them being everywhere is pretty much a given. They want to make it seem like the world is truely getting ruined by the dragons, and having a bunch of undead everywhere is an effective way to do that. As much of a huge pain as they are, I don’t think they’re going anywhere and will probably be as prelevent in most new areas added to the game as well.

As for Raptors… eh. I’ve never really noticed an overabundance of them. There are a decent number of different ones, but they’ve never seemed any more common than any other creature. It might be that you’re overestimating how many there are just because you dislike them so much.