A few months ago I started my voyage into the depths of Tyria. As a human, at first I naturally stumbled upon bandits, Drakes, Skales, Centaurs and Harpies…. more centaurs… more bandits, more centaurs, more bandits… hold on.
I was not particularily phazed by the millions of centaurs trampling Queensdale, Kessex Hills and every surrounding area. Okay, there is a story to it.
By level 15 I had my first encounter with a mob that literally makes me skin crawl: RAPTORS. I avoided them as much as I could, but kept stumbling across them on literally EVERY map I went. 10,000 Jungle, Eagle and Black raptors later, I finally found a patch of snow and thought “Okay raptors are so lightly feathered, they sure cannot survive in this cold weather.” Happily, I made my way through the snowy part of Gendarran fields, turned my camera and immediately froze dead at the sight of: ANOTHER RAPTOR. I get it, ANET loves old, ugly, scary and unsettlingly creepy monsters, but REALLY?
At lvl 25 (I greatly skipped the main storyline) I ran into my next doom. Undead. But it was not merely 20 maps (I finally found ways to avoid those 20 raptor clustered maps) but I found undead on EVERY, SINGLE, MAP, IN, THE, GAME (Oh except for Queensdale/Charr areas).
At 70 I finally ventured to the nice temples, to see if there were any good items up for grabs from the Karma Merchants. I was promplty overrun by a stampede of Zombies, screaming ‘Kill… everything’. God, nooooooo! It took all the fun out of finding a group and estinguishing high priests, never mind comleting the maps. Sigh.
Basically those two sorts of mobs (as well as Drakes and Skales) overpopulate the whole of GW2. Is there a possibility of maybe replacing SOME of them with say for example… wind riders, grubs, ghosts? Or maybe something more appropriate than Raptors in icey mountains?
I’d be delighted if I could finally finish those last maps, because honestly, raptors and undead make my skin crawl.