A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shaank.2065


First and foremost, I have been gaming online since 1997 with Diablo and Ultima Online (UO). UO still stands as the game I had the most fun in. it was a true sandbox, and it provided a in challenge in many areas of the game, I would probably still be playing it if it was still populated and a Pre-T2A ruleset. I have played nearly every game to have come out, substantially time invested in UO, EQ, SB, DAoC, WoW, and now GW2, which are games I feel were a success.
I will dive into the game mechanics first, The condition and boon system is great, its simple to understand, and I feel that I don’t need to memorize class’s abilities to know what to do next. The class system is also great, I feel that everything is pretty well balanced besides maybe Mesmer abilities, and thief’s burst damage. But for the most part everything is scaled very well. After playing the beta’s I really could not choose what I wanted to play, I was literally going to put the classes into a hat and draw out of it. I went onto level a Mesmer to 80 at release and acquired my exotic set of armor; I am now working on a Ranger which will be 80 pretty soon. Leveling in this game is great, It is the most enjoyable leveling experience I have had, in any MMO, besides UO, but that was a skill system. You get XP from everything which is great and the story itself isn’t bad at all. The only thing I would have liked to see Is more quests that broke off from the story, nothing major but maybe a few more quests down the road that delved into something different than the dragons.
I enjoy the multiple ways of acquiring gear, whether it be from farming mats to have the items crafted, through dungeon running, or through PVP. The only gripe that I can say is that the gear other than the crafted set seems to be focused around toughness and vitality which I don’t feel is good because they fit a low amount of builds. I’d like to see this revised in the future. But overall the acquiring of gear is enjoyable and challenging in its own ways.
PVE endgame is somewhat lack luster as there is no epic feeling, to them. I want to do more than 5man’s. I want to play with a large number of my guildies at once in a epic PVE setting. Yes there are a few world events in Orr and Jormag(sp?) the dragon which is awesome, yet yields nothing of importance for the most part. I hate to say it but I want some raiding to the quality of at least EQ. even DAoC had some epic raids that yielded great rewards.
WvW at its current time, 2-3 weeks after release is fun, and enjoyable. I love taking over keeps and such as we did in DAoC. Yet I feel looking to the future that at its current state it will become lackluster due to no real rewards. Yes you get tokens for gear and server buffs. But in all seriousness a few months down the road what’s the point. I enjoy PVP, I feel I classify myself as a PVP’er at heart. But server wide boons just aren’t appetizing to me, and I feel the majority of players would agree. I would love to see realm ranks to unlock more utility abilities related to PVP. I also would like to see something like Darkness fall’s, like in DAoC, where in GW2 you would have to control your servers map as well as 50+% of the eternal. Or something like that, which had a slightly better chance to drop materials and such.

I am not hear to rag on the game, as it is now I feel the want and need to level every class, and participate in a lot of sPVP and WvW. I just feel that the game as it is down the road will leave many wanting more. The game needs to be appetizing to those who enjoy mainly PVP, or PVE. PVE’ers need to be drawn to participate in WvW, the best way to do this is systems like Darkness falls as in DAoC, or even go a step more and add a live non instance dungeon where the 3 servers are constantly fighting to keep control of it. The opposite is also true, you have to draw PvP’ers to PVE. There are little features that are absent from the game which I consider to be mandatory in any game. Below I will list my suggestion in which I feel would make this game an even greater success.

onto the next post

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shaank.2065


Skins – more skins for items and armor that can be obtained from various ways, I am sure this is the plan but I thought id put it in anyways.
Trading – between characters, I don’t understand why the feature is not in game but it is annoying and somewhat unacceptable that a simple feature is not in any game these days.

Dueling – People love to duel and show there kitten.
Inspect players- it is always cool to see a player with cool looking equipment and being able to go inspect him to research how you can acquire it.

PVE: Challenging epic raid content with at least 25 man capacities. The way the current PVE endgame system is lack luster and in a few months’ time the player base will be left wanting more.

Also a more challenging PVE dungeon. I feel it is 10x harder to make a dungeon without the holy trinity aspect, due to the mechanics of a boss fight. I don’t think everyone likes kiting the whole dungeon around. but it’s the direction you chose, so figure it out.

Let’s get some dungeons that have to be unlocked either through guild progression, or WvW progression like Darkness falls system in DAoC.

MAJOR EPIC EVENTS: I always liked in UO and sometimes in EQ, where a Dev team would create an event and actually control the npc’s that were attacking the community. it added so much to the game because you were playing against a dev, usually playing a boss type npc, it took a group effort, it was truly unique, and usually granted great rewards if the community was successful in conquering the event.

LEGENDARIES: Being able to craft legendries’ is pretty cool but lets see how some other ways of obtaining them like we saw in EQ with the class specific weapons and yes even WoW, long quest lines. And let’s keep em rare.


Realm Ranks: Like in DAoC lets get realm ranks with an armory type system where people can look up peoples Realm rank and stats on the website. Along with unlocking more utility skills that are for WvW only, such as maybe being able to spawn a siege weapon with 30% less supply, or a Stun break ability, something like that. Take a look at DAoC’s ranks and skills @ http://darkageofcamelot.com/content/realm-abilities, http://darkageofcamelot.com/content/realm-ranks . We don’t want anything over powered to where it would be impossible for a casual to kill a hardcore player but just some a couple stats here and there maybe.
I think it would also be cool that rank would deteriorate if you were not active in WvW for a while, or as people move up in rank those move have not participated move down and losing access to such abilities.

Add some epic PVE content in there so that servers fight for it.
When you have a system where keeps and other landmarks can change every day it makes sense that a pve type dungeon or content onlocked by controlling the map or portions would be great to implement as it would make the player base want to work for it. As mentioned before a dungeon system like DAoC’s Darkness falls would be awesome.

Guild Housing: Guild halls where member can congregate and hang out.

Player Housing. The whole point of a MMO Is to feel immersed in the game world.

Player housing done like UO,and SWG allows this. Being able to show off equipment on walls, and such to show accomplishment is always a great feature. I would like to see where players could buy a plot of land in a non-instanced portion of the world. Make a certain amount of plots, not everybody can have a house at the same time they have to achieve it through either buying a plot or buy from a player who has a plot, like in UO where land was scarce to plant houses.

The game is the most casual friendly game there is, you did this by letting anyone at any level experience the entire game with the exception of dungeons at level 1, but lets not get to a point to where its so friendly that there isn’t a distinguishing factor between those who put time in and those who don’t. Those who are hardcore inspire the rest to play more which benefits the game both financially and keeps the popularity of the game high.

That’s all I have for now.
- Shank

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


One point on Legendaries, what makes you think they won’t be “rare?” considering the time and material commitments making them somewhat prohibitive for a lot of “casual” players?

Also , when did “endgame” become synonymous with instanced raid crawls?

The rest just strikes me as “wait and see”, the game hasn’t even been out for a month yet and a few of those items (housing etc.) have already been touched on.

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shaank.2065


One point on Legendaries, what makes you think they won’t be “rare?” considering the time and material commitments making them somewhat prohibitive for a lot of “casual” players?

Also , when did “endgame” become synonymous with instanced raid crawls?

The rest just strikes me as “wait and see”, the game hasn’t even been out for a month yet and a few of those items (housing etc.) have already been touched on.

Thanks for the quick reply,

I did not mean to say or give the impression that legendary wont be “rare” or hard to come by, I would like to see them be able to be obtained in other ways through the examples i mentioned.

For the raiding, and PVE content, some people like that, I also enjoyed massive raids although I would consider myself a hardcore PVPer, It cannot be denied that raids in EQ and WoW were pretty fun and challenging to do for the most part so i would like to see the option of them in game.

and for the game being out a month i feel that my WvW portion of my suggestions should of been in before release, I feel the current rewards are pretty lackluster and uninspiring to want and achieve them.


A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dead.7385


I would not like to instance raids. Coming from a hardcore EQ player.

If we were to develop hardcore (and no Orr isn’t hardcore at all) I would tell the devs to look at the first two raid zones EQ introduced. Plane of Fear and Plane of Hate.

Most people who remember Fear don’t immediately go to kill the main god or the demi’s, because the was shockingly not the most intense part of the zone. It was one truly unique designed zone as each mob had abilities that fit certain areas (Shadow Step and fear + Monkey AoE etc). The trash mobs posed a real threat unlike most modern raids were trash IS trash and wasted time. The trash themselves dropped set gear (Which wouldn’t work the same in GW2), but it gave purpose to wanting to clear trash rather than skip.

A modernized Plane of Fear style zone using the Dynamic Event system would do wonders. Have zoning in be a real danger fighting mobs equal to dungeon difficulty with nasty abilities. Have events set off chains to set up camps (similar to Orr) that have to be defended or else you back to breaking into the zone. Have multiple bosses per zone but tricks so that you need at least two groups to complete such as “X” gimmick stuns him so you can do dmg him safely, but needs supplies so you have to have a team escort the supplies. One team has to guard the “X” gimmick from mobs so your allied AI don’t decide to retreat.

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shaank.2065


I would not like to instance raids. Coming from a hardcore EQ player.

If we were to develop hardcore (and no Orr isn’t hardcore at all) I would tell the devs to look at the first two raid zones EQ introduced. Plane of Fear and Plane of Hate.

Most people who remember Fear don’t immediately go to kill the main god or the demi’s, because the was shockingly not the most intense part of the zone. It was one truly unique designed zone as each mob had abilities that fit certain areas (Shadow Step and fear + Monkey AoE etc). The trash mobs posed a real threat unlike most modern raids were trash IS trash and wasted time. The trash themselves dropped set gear (Which wouldn’t work the same in GW2), but it gave purpose to wanting to clear trash rather than skip.

A modernized Plane of Fear style zone using the Dynamic Event system would do wonders. Have zoning in be a real danger fighting mobs equal to dungeon difficulty with nasty abilities. Have events set off chains to set up camps (similar to Orr) that have to be defended or else you back to breaking into the zone. Have multiple bosses per zone but tricks so that you need at least two groups to complete such as “X” gimmick stuns him so you can do dmg him safely, but needs supplies so you have to have a team escort the supplies. One team has to guard the “X” gimmick from mobs so your allied AI don’t decide to retreat.

Yea that would be pretty awesome, I liked EQ’s non instanced raiding where guilds had to fight over who got to the boss first.

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143



A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lance Coolee.9480

Lance Coolee.9480

I love the concept of raiding, but TBH, I hated the fact that we were locked into a set number of players. 10, 15, 25, 40, it didn’t matter, but those round numbers always left some level of disappointment when trying to organize. Either people were left out or people were randomly included.

I would like to see instanced content that scaled in difficulty based on the number of players attending.

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Yea that would be pretty awesome, I liked EQ’s non instanced raiding where guilds had to fight over who got to the boss first.

It does sound epic, but I don’t think Guild Wars 2 should reintroduce the failed concept of competition in the PVE environment. It just divides community instead of supporting it, and largely makes no sense from a roleplaying standpoint. Larger guilds should not be opposed to smaller guilds, or even solo players, joining in on the fun of a world raiding experience. Other players should be seen as allies, not competition in the PVE environment.

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thaz.5780


I love the concept of raiding, but TBH, I hated the fact that we were locked into a set number of players. 10, 15, 25, 40, it didn’t matter, but those round numbers always left some level of disappointment when trying to organize. Either people were left out or people were randomly included.

I would like to see instanced content that scaled in difficulty based on the number of players attending.

I think making a boss that scaled with however many people would be AWESOME!! Would promote unity in a guild. There would have to be a cap though on people.

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Temariah.9372


Your post probably alienates a large population of players who haven’t played the games you’ve mentioned and don’t care to research just to understand your post, like me. The only game on your list that I’ve played is WoW. The rest of your references make no sense to me, and as such I can’t comment on most of what you’ve said.

I will say that I wouldn’t mind seeing raids, but I would NOT like to see WoW raids where everything is choreographed and boring and lame and facerolly. At the same time they can’t really make things be crazy chaotic and potentially one shot players because there is no dedicated healer. I think raids would be fun, but I don’t know how Anet would incorporate them.

Temariah Dawnsong – “A new dawn is coming; sieze the day.”
Leader of The Harbingers of Serendipity [LIFE] : Fort Aspenwood

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


My suggestions:

70+ Content:

When you reach the final areas of the game everything becomes a Dynasty Warriors like environment. You want to walk from Point A to point B trucks of mobs will appear from nowhere to kill you. There is a certain level of challenge to this but over all it feels more annoying than anything. The places are well design in terms of How it looks vs How the lore says it should look bur running around killing trucks of crap for little to no reason isn’t my idea of end game.

Now up to the boss events in these areas, I will address the Risen priest of the different gods. They feel like nice epic events yet most of their mechanics more than challenging are annoying. I felt much more challenge and fun in low level epic boss encounters than on these priest. I say go through them and find ways to encourage team work in more creative ways.

Dungeons: I find the dungeons mechanics to be fine. Like every other game once you done it once you can face roll through it, but unless you get a person rolling the boss each time you go fight it, the mechanics will stay the same and you will learn to react to them, thus making them feel like a face roll. Yet my problem is the rewards these dungeons give. A helm? Really every time a helm that looks the same? And those treasure boxes, I think I got mmm… 1 item I could use out of those boxes and it wasn’t even an upgrade for my current gear.

Crafting: Rather than a personal choice to build along your character and eventually see some kind of results from. Crafting feels like a quick road to 80. Not to mention outside Jewel Crating the essential crafting materials seems to be close to impossible to obtain and needed in stupid amounts. 8 bloods…8 fans so on. When by the time you got 8 you feel like you should be able to craft at least 8 items for all the pain you went through.

Raids: I say leave them out of the equation. Nothing good comes from them and after you do them once or twice they become more of a torture than a fun experience. I have done raiding in WoW, Rift and SWTOR. First time: “OMG THIS IS EPIC” Every time after: “Man I hope my $%#$ -insert gear piece- here drops.” The only thing raids do is create drama over loot, create torture like environments that leave a large part of the community out of certain content. The way current boss encounters work if twinkled a little would be way more successful than a structured raid system.

Money: When you start your journey in Tyria quest rewards seem to be low but at least they keep up with the expenses of your journey. You get say 36 cooper from an event and pay 7 cooper for a way point or 12 to repair your armor. Now as an 80 I earn 2 silver from an event and maybe 7 silver from my daily or a hard WvW event. Yet when I need to travel the cost of such travels = 3+ silver, re spawning nearby is about 1.5 silvers and fixing my armor atm is about 8 silver without having most of it damaged. So technically making money without selling any lucky stuff I find is almost impossible.

(edited by Lyonell.1753)

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I would like to see instanced content that scaled in difficulty based on the number of players attending.

I would not like to see instanced content, in any form, unless it has to do with personal story. The focus of MMOs should not be shuffling players off into their own small little worlds, only to creep out to gather in a town to show how pretty they’ve become by exploring their small little world. The focus should be on playing epic, challenging, and fun content together as a community. Guild Wars 2 has done many things to revitalize (create?) the concept of MMO as community that acts together in the world instead segmented population that treats each other as a hindrance.

I think what GW 2 lacks currently is challenging content that requires the community to participate. Dynamic events have the capacity to be challenging events, even some in their current state if the difficulty were ramped up a bit. There is no need to shuffle the population into instances if dynamic events are done right.

See this post for good coverage on this topic:


Here is a suggestion I made to make dynamic events a bit more challenging, and possibly a good activity for guilds to tackle as a group:


A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dead.7385


It does sound epic, but I don’t think Guild Wars 2 should reintroduce the failed concept of competition in the PVE environment.

It wouldn’t really happen that way due to how Guild Wars 2 offers loot and xp. Two guild “competing” just means more DPS for both guilds in the end as loot is put on the person themselves rather than one set from a loot table on the mob.

Then again I would be more into Karma vendors giving loot for Meta Event bosses similar to what they have done with the Temples. Then change chests to include random chance for appropriate set items sold by the karma vendor (so you can potentially get one for free if you are lucky) with semi low drop rate + 1/2 100% to drop yellows.

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anudieb.2450


i agree , the game needs a little more raiding pve zone even if it is in the wvw! i would think of a entire zone just for pve, like a new wvw zone where servers would fight to be able to fight a boss that would give bonuses, titles and gear. But random bosses, like this week we have 5 primary bosses and secundary bosses, 1 primary and two secundary per day, and it would be nice because servers could do the secundary bosses but for the primary they would have to fight to control the zone where it is. When the week was over other 5 bosses and their secundarys would respawn so it was never the same encounters and the same loot. I think this would keep harcore people gaming, and the fans of this ones will keep coming. Since it was a wvw map it would be by server and not only by guilds.
just by imaginating the process that could come with the event system that arenanet have, its just stupid to not use it for hard raiding bosses.
And when i say bosses i mean ones that are hard and require coordination!

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: DRV.8731


Agreed. Even I love the game, there are two basic things that I miss here:
1. Lack of cozy spots: Which that I mean, house system and guild castle/hall. I have around 40% of the world map completed and yes, the scenarios are great, but it’s just kinda repetitive, plus there’s not a real place to be “chilling in”, each area are big maps with tasks, that’s all, after all, we all want to feel like “at home”, and the only way for that is to have a common spot, not several vast maps.
2. Lack of competitive feeling: The game is basically about doing events together and explore, which is fine in PvE, but the PvP doesn’t feel 100% right.
In the current sPvP, doesn’t matter your gear or level, I know that’s the point, to just have fun, that’s cool, but for people that really want to spend some more time in the game, should be able to feel that the hard work has been rewarded, either allowing duels or with a secondary sPvP that works with your current gear and level (WvW doesn’t fullfill what I’m asking for), in that way, you can actually feel “different and stronger” than someone else.

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lance Coolee.9480

Lance Coolee.9480

I would like to see instanced content that scaled in difficulty based on the number of players attending.

I would not like to see instanced content, in any form, unless it has to do with personal story. The focus of MMOs should not be shuffling players off into their own small little worlds, only to creep out to gather in a town to show how pretty they’ve become by exploring their small little world. The focus should be on playing epic, challenging, and fun content together as a community.

I never recall mentioning anything in my suggestion about rewards, merely the experience. It’s nice that GW2 introduces so many new community-based events throughout the world, but I wouldn’t genuinely say that those experiences right now require much team play (with maybe the exception of a few events in Orr). I would like to be able to visit content exclusively with a group of people I’m comfortable attending with. It’s not elitist, but it gives us the opportunity to scale content to a level that general PuGs might not survive (without serious coordination).

And TBH, I like the look of my lvl 80 crafted exotic set, so I’d likely xmute anything I get out of a difficult setting onto that.

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shaank.2065


I love the concept of raiding, but TBH, I hated the fact that we were locked into a set number of players. 10, 15, 25, 40, it didn’t matter, but those round numbers always left some level of disappointment when trying to organize. Either people were left out or people were randomly included.

I would like to see instanced content that scaled in difficulty based on the number of players attending.

Yea a scaled event would be pretty sweet for large guild type PVE sessions.

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lance Coolee.9480

Lance Coolee.9480

I love the concept of raiding, but TBH, I hated the fact that we were locked into a set number of players. 10, 15, 25, 40, it didn’t matter, but those round numbers always left some level of disappointment when trying to organize. Either people were left out or people were randomly included.

I would like to see instanced content that scaled in difficulty based on the number of players attending.

Yea a scaled event would be pretty sweet for large guild type PVE sessions.

I’d even say this concept could work with smaller sized guilds; the premise being more of a “fully inclusive” guild PVE scenario rather than a “compete for a raid slot” scenario, or even just having to fill certain raid slots with random PuGs just because you had to.

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I never recall mentioning anything in my suggestion about rewards, merely the experience. It’s nice that GW2 introduces so many new community-based events throughout the world, but I wouldn’t genuinely say that those experiences right now require much team play (with maybe the exception of a few events in Orr). I would like to be able to visit content exclusively with a group of people I’m comfortable attending with. It’s not elitist, but it gives us the opportunity to scale content to a level that general PuGs might not survive (without serious coordination).

And TBH, I like the look of my lvl 80 crafted exotic set, so I’d likely xmute anything I get out of a difficult setting onto that.

The focus of my response was about playing with one’s community, not rewards, but I can see why you got that impression. I see instancing as a bane to community building. They hide people from the world and their server population, only to have them emerge after they’ve completed great feats away from their server’s eyes. We should have content that drives us together as a community, not divides us into little groups that never cooperate. It’s an MMO, not a LAN game to be played with only a small group of people. If the content needs a larger guild and you do not have one, join up with a larger guild doing the content. You don’t even need to ask in this game as it removes much of the competitive streak that is a bane to open world content (i.e., the content that should be driving MMOs) in other games.

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lance Coolee.9480

Lance Coolee.9480

@SirMoogie – I understand where you’re going w/ this. I just don’t see how it would de-emphasize community building across GW2. The game already has some decent structure surrounding some community building (the ability to join multiple guilds comes to mind), where it lacks in others (LFG system I feel is terrible right now).

I also genuinely don’t see how open world content exclusively promotes community building. You can probably prove that point yourself by asking anyone to provide any player’s name for any DE they’ve participated in. I’ll bet you’ll get very little response.

Now I’m not saying it’s not fun, I love participating in DE’s, I just don’t feel as if they’ve really brought people any closer together with the completion of the DE; people tend to scatter off and continue on w/ their own agenda (and this perfectly OK).

I’d really like to advocate for both DE’s and instanced challenges. I don’t see how participating in and instanced challenge is not a community effort.

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ubung.7423


The current DE’s were supposed to be the equivalent of raids and they sounded good in theory. However they have turned into very easy zergs. Unfortunately the very nature of all inclusive outdoor bosses necessitates a lower difficulty level. I would like to experience the challenge provided by the explorable dungeons with my guild.

Posted this in another thread that isnt being replied too unfortunately.

“To be honest I have to agree with your sentiment. Guilds seems to have been somewhat ignored in favour of open ended content that anyone can join. The only problem with that is that accessible has ended up equalling easy or zergy. Which is still fun (and still something we would do) but it would be nice if we had something truly challenging.

Id like to see the current and future dungeons get a 10/20 man version as a choice for guilds. This would allow for a regular, scheduled activity that also has a high challenge level. It would reward the same dungeon tokens as the 5 man dungeon so no one would have to get a guild to get the exact same rewards and see the same content. An increase in the amount of mobs and mob stength would scale the difficulty. Bosses could have a few added attacks to make it dangerous for large groups.

Even basic features like allowing a guild to form a raid group (5+) members is not in the game. This would be useful for those times when we want to go out in the world and do stuff together. Without the group there is no way to see each other on the map or join each others overflow shards.

Between those 2 we would have a good amount of content for guilds without impacting on the people without guilds or with smaller guilds.

Also as a side note it would be nice to get an explorable version of the story dungeon. A lot of the better looking bosses are in the story mode so it would be nice to be able to do that and get dungeon tokens for it.

It seems like a lot of excellent content that could be used in the game. Hell then we would have 10 man versions of 32 dungeons which is a hell of a lot of end game content for guilds who like a challenge bringing a whole new demographic to the game. While still keeping within the confines of the no gear treadmill and not excluding anyone from the content itself."

EDIT: Scaleable dungeons would be nice but i dont know if its possible.

(edited by Ubung.7423)

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


@SirMoogie – I understand where you’re going w/ this. I just don’t see how it would de-emphasize community building across GW2.

If exciting fun and challenging story content is pushed into highly specialized raid dungeons it makes people more likely to create exclusionary policies (such as having certain gear, builds, etc.) in order to create optimal runs. If it’s out in the world and competition is removed for the resource (i.e., no mob tagging and new players can only help the encounter not make it more difficult), then players are more likely to accept help from any source, whether it’s a casual player who doesn’t have the best gear or a small guild. Instanced raids leave many players unsatisfied that would like to experience fun and challenging story content. because they don’t have a group fo dedicated players to run with, or because they are excluded because they are one of the “have nots” of the players base.

I also genuinely don’t see how open world content exclusively promotes community building. You can probably prove that point yourself by asking anyone to provide any player’s name for any DE they’ve participated in. I’ll bet you’ll get very little response.

I would say GW 2 doesn’t do this perfectly, but it is a step in the right direction. We seem to play along side each other in PVE more so than play with one another. At the moment I think it lacks challenging dynamic events and a need for communication/leadership in the PVE content. I don’t think world content is immune from having such content, just that it isn’t there. See my suggestion on dynamic event scaling for content that could introduce guild or even world boasting rights, which would help build community better than what we have now:


Bottom line, I’ve played other games that put the content behind stigmatizing walls that I couldn’t scale (I’m just too casual I guess). If the content is in the world there are no walls that prevent me from participating in the game’s story.

(edited by SirMoogie.9263)

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360



I hope you’re trolling…

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: tasaunders.3746


I would not like to instance raids. Coming from a hardcore EQ player.

If we were to develop hardcore (and no Orr isn’t hardcore at all) I would tell the devs to look at the first two raid zones EQ introduced. Plane of Fear and Plane of Hate.

Most people who remember Fear don’t immediately go to kill the main god or the demi’s, because the was shockingly not the most intense part of the zone.

You know what I remember from Plane of Fear? The Death Touches and the corpse runs. ;D Good times.

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stryker.9632


Honestly guys after reading the dev post “end game re imagined” they don’t sound like they have any intention of changing there model for game content.if that is true, than I’m concerned that they’re not interested with the communities opinion unless it bites there wallet.

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


Honestly guys after reading the dev post “end game re imagined” they don’t sound like they have any intention of changing there model for game content.if that is true, than I’m concerned that they’re not interested with the communities opinion unless it bites there wallet.

Why should they? Also what do you mean by the “community” are people who enjoy the current model not part of that community? Does this “community” only comprise of the people who bought the game knowing what it had to offer up front and are now trying to tell them that they need to completely alter their game?

A hardcore gamers review of GW2 and suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ubung.7423


Honestly guys after reading the dev post “end game re imagined” they don’t sound like they have any intention of changing there model for game content.if that is true, than I’m concerned that they’re not interested with the communities opinion unless it bites there wallet.

Why should they? Also what do you mean by the “community” are people who enjoy the current model not part of that community? Does this “community” only comprise of the people who bought the game knowing what it had to offer up front and are now trying to tell them that they need to completely alter their game?

Just want to say that having 10 man dungeons (raids, in essence) wouldnt require arenanet to totally change there game. In fact it would be pretty easy to implement. Neither would it infringe on the population of the Dynamic Events any more than the current dungeon setup does already.

Going with a reward system of tokens for the dungeon same as 5 man means people are not forced to participate in raids to get the same gear nor is there a gear grind. Finally because they are just larger versions of the same dungeon no content is locked out for anyone.

Really this is just a different way of experiencing the current content.

A quote from the Arena Net post on endgame reimagined;

“For people who love structured and difficult content, we developed the explorable mode for our eight dungeons. A dungeon’s explorable mode has at least three different paths that players can choose to conquer—and each path is a five-character delve into tough content that we designed to push the limits of teamwork and communication.”

So dungeons they say are the structured, difficult content in the game. Thats fine by me. All im asking is that Arena Net let me play that difficult, structured content with most of my guild at once instead of splitting us up into smaller chunks.

(edited by Ubung.7423)