A /hug command for this poor bear (pictures)

A /hug command for this poor bear (pictures)

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Hello to all,

I am a charr bear and need a lot of love and hugs. But this game has not a single interaction emote. I bought the dance book to spread the groove and lure asura in. But I want to share my fuzzy love by hugs. Many have asked me to make this topic, because they wanted to hug me too. So please make a hug emote, so I can hug all my little asura friends =3.

Thank you for your effort, Cuddles the fluffy bear<3

note non of the asura in the picture were lured with free cookies. note


Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

A /hug command for this poor bear (pictures)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sird.4536


I was shocked to find that the hug emote was not implemented. I can not hug our guild teddy bear.

RP enthusiast

A /hug command for this poor bear (pictures)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lenim.5439


Yes, he gives cookies, but if he ask you if you want milk with that do not whatsoever follow him to the sewage. Just dont.