A "kill minions" button/skill

A "kill minions" button/skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ctarl.3629


Summoned minions tend to run to enemies far away from the player. This can be controlled to some extend by attacking a specific enemy yourself (the minions will try to attack the same target). But once you’ve finished your intended target the minions are “free to do as they please”. Even if you didn’t actually want to engage in another fight, your minions will attack the nearest target in range. If you try to run away, they also force you to remain “in combat” while you yourself are in fact far away from any enemies.

This is a serious problem because once you’ve summoned these creatures, you have no way to get rid of them, except through combat. The summons of the elementalist die eventually but the minions are permanent (and that’s good, in principle).

I understand that a mechanic like the pet controls for rangers could make the “pets” of necromancers and elementalists too strong. But at least give me the option to kill them off when I don’t need them anymore. Currently I can only do that by removing the summoning skills from my skill bar, which is very inconvenient and in fact not possible at all while “in combat”.

A "kill minions" button/skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

This would also solve problems with encounters where minions are not desired, such as the Gigantus Lupicus boss fight in Arah. I’d love to be able to instantly kill all minions. The Flesh Golem also takes forever to die, which is good, he is a great tank. But sometimes I just want to get rid of him.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

A "kill minions" button/skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


I agree, right now the only way to dismiss a minion is to change the skill, but of course this can’t be done in combat or if you’ve just used your minion skill…

A "kill minions" button/skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Hey, necromancers only use F1.

I’m all in for adding some utility uses for the other Fs for all professions.
For necromancer, F2 could be to kill minions, and F3 to forcefully trigger marks. Maybe at the cost of some life-force (as there’s traits to make minions have effects when they die).

No exceptions!

A "kill minions" button/skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: GulfCoastToad.5486


I would also like an ability to dismiss minions, or at least park them.

I play an asura necro, and every time I try to jump to a tricky vista, or reach something I have to jump across rocks for, it is more difficult than it should be because my pets keep standing on top of me and blocking my view.

A "kill minions" button/skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: critickitten.1498


I agree. There are times when minions are just an obstacle and only some of necro’s minions can be killed on command. That needs to be extended to every minion type.

And I’d appreciate it if minions had appropriate out-of-combat regenerating health too. Can’t count the number of times I’ve had to waste my time micro-managing healing on all my minions because they don’t heal outside of combat. >_>

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.