(edited by Sinifair.1026)
A living world needs motion
I agree, the Waypoints are an idea that should have been scrapped at the start for a game this ambitious.
another reason the game doesn’t feel very immersive is that the npcs are so unnecessary! Most might as well not be there…..
I like the waypoints, it is one of the large things that make this gameplayable for me. I was sick to death of spending 20 minutes walking somewhere in previous mmorpg, just to spend 20 minutes walking back afterwards. Guild wars 2 wanted to remove that kind of time filling bull****. Other mmorpgs keep it because they charge to play and wasting peoples time ultimately means more money.
The biggest thing i love about this game is its accessability, theyve removed ‘chores’ from the game in as much is as practical.
As for the sailing ships, why do they need to sail? Where would they sail to on a regular basis? it’s a nice idea for something to look at in lions arch but otherwise id rather just click a button and be where i want to go. The rest of the time its just providing lag to us lowly internet users.
A lot of problems related to this is that lions arch is already laggy as it is, you start adding -reasons- for people to kitten around all day in lions arch and it will start getting pretty frustrating whenever you try to enter the map, potentially trying to cut a large journey in half using the gates, then end up staring at load screen for 2 minutes. It already happens as it is, even for the fibre optic cable users.
idk, i like the ideas, but they aint practical i think.
EDIT: As for you dedicated roleplayers, they could totally remove waypoints in terms of warping but keep them as nearest revive points only. Then just stick that change on a new roleplayer server only.
Things like sitting on chairs, etc, i can completely understand why these small things drive u to frustration, but there’s also the small problem of races like charr and asuran being so completely different in size and shape, a chair fit for a charr would potentially suck for an asuran rp-wise, of course then you could add a comical shrug if you ask him to sip, or his hands wave in air because he cant reaach table.
The things you want are all reasonably achievable, the problem is that anet isnt prioritising the rp community very much and likely never will. this game just isnt designed to be a true rp game :/ (which is sad because they love pumping out costume items that would be perfect for rp play but outside being able to make up rp stuff in your head, are rather useless and underused, for example why wasnt dragonball held in your costume, albeit red or blue version, why wasnt crabtoss done in your costume?)
(edited by Equilibriator.8741)
Equilibriator: Waypoints are practical but since you only get to choose from WP and walking it becomes a chore to stay in their Open World.
- Mounts were not implemented because people were supposed to experience the Livning and Breathing world of GW2, but WP counters that in particular.
- I don’t mind the Waypoints, they are easily accessible and makes for easy travel, but you skip a ton of content because of them, and most of the world is empty because of them.
- However, I think that the world is empty because of the X amount of WP, PoI, Vista and Skill Point challenges that make up a “To-do” list for each zone rendering them useless once done (or the feeling of having completed the particular zone).
- Other MMORPG’s simply have them because they want players to enjoy their world, which I’ve done in other MMO’s such as WoW, SWToR, FFXI, GW1 (which were just as much for exploration titles and such).
- They need to give players more incentive to go out into the world. I had that in GW1 and all the other MMO’s listed above.
- Other travelling forms such as mounts/vehicles that players could pay an NPC a fee for then use in that one zone would be one way of doing it. Having ships from Dawnside Quay to Fort Trinity or Lion’s Arch would also be nice to see, but yeah, as you say, it doesn’t seem practical in LA, unfortunately. :/
Or to be put in motion.
- ANet talks about GW2 being a living world.
Personally, I was more immersed in WoW (GW1 had the story that I was deeply immersed into when playing) because there were all these things in motion to make it seem alive.
- Travelling merchants, ships (that would actually sail, I badly want these in GW2 because we have harbors and such for them to sail to) and even the smaller things as being able to sit on chairs gave it a flavour of its own (I’d often sit in an Inn with some friends and plan an adventure to go out on, or we’d have some story for our RP to move along with).- GW2 has ships, Inns, Chairs and merchants – basically all those little things that can enhance the immersion of the player, however, I don’t feel like going to an Inn, because I can’t sit down somewhere for myself or with some friends.
- It’s some minor things, but often it is the seasoning that really makes all the difference (and I know the RP community badly wants these. My RP’ing friends – which means all of them, except one – left because they couldn’t sit in chairs or take a ship. They felt that the need to travel on foot or by waypoint destroyed their immersion completely… even I have that feeling. I’m not immersed into GW2 that much as of yet. Waypoints or walking… guess which – and a shame too, because waypoints are destroying Open World PvE).- To sum it up:
Make ships sail.
Give us the option to sit on chairs.
And yeah, put the world in motion in other ways than Dynamic Events.
(And of course, feel free to add something to the list. I just kinda missed these as I played just now)
Inns and taverns could be a bigger part of the game. They should be the to go place to find information and lore.
*I find some of them to be too small.
*needs buffs for using them
*delivery quests between them
*mini games (not just Belcher’s Bluff)
*bulletin boards with PS missions (like FF11 inns)
*barb to hire to play songs
Travelling merchants-It would be cool to see ships going in and out of LA. And it be a passenger of one of those ships (FF10).
Waypoints- I don’t have problem with waypoints. It’s like a Asuran teleporter.
*Open World PvE is destroyed in other games (WoW) because of no downscaling.
*I have seen many players playing DE’s. They would not of played without waypoints.
For better movement. I would give the cosmetic mounts swiftness and sprint abilities. BUT it would have to work exactly to same as the players running speed!