As we all know, engineer is CLEARLY the most fun profession there is. However, it’s still suffering from useless abilities, nonstop RNG gameplay, and low damage/healing/defence overall.
Let’s take a look at a few abilities that need some work.
Elixir U
This ability is alot of fun, however there’s a post-patch bug going around right now that’s causing the quickness to not apply properly while still triggering the cooldown. Obviously this needs to be fixed. Aside from that, I think this move is in a good spot. You gain offence and lose defence for a few seconds. Perfect burst ability, minus the bug.
Every single turret
These things are just garbage, except MAYBE the net turret if you’re doing pvp. The main problem with them is that often they’re completely broken seconds after you place them. These things have low health, slow fire rates, and bad damage. Even their active/toolbelt abilities stink, for the most part. If these things are going to be balanced and viable, they need MUCH higher health, more damage, faster fire rates, and possibly lower cooldowns.
Gadgets. Just, gadgets. Most of the gadgets are completely useless, and a waste of a bar space. For example, when was the last time you saw an Engineer using Slick Shoes? Never? I believe so. Some of them provide effects that your weapons normally give you, with a significantly longer cooldown. Granted, some of these’ toolbelt abilities aren’t bad for triggering static shock, but that’s besides the point. With Kits being the highest damage source from the sheer number of abilities they have available, Gadgets PALE in comparison to any kit. Gadgets need to be SUPER buffed, to compensate.
Consider the 100n build, or a power bomb build, widely considered the best damage builds an Engineer can do. It’s main burst comes from spamming, a lot. Gadgets need to be equal in worth to a kit, and since kits have quantity of abilities, gadgets need quality.
Kits don’t necessarily have strong abilities, they have A LOT of abilities. You give yourself a Grenade/Bomb build and you just go down the line with your abilities. That’s how they work, save the Elixir Gun due to it’s support nature.
Personally, I think the Grenade and Bomb kits are in a good place right now. The grenade kit gives raw damage (although a little on the low side compared to some) with a little bit of conditions, and the bomb kit is amazingly disruptive.
The Flamethrower needs some work. The flamethrower is supposed to be a “close range brawler” type of kit. Oh, it’s close range alright, but it’s no good. It’s got a knockback, (which potentially both weapons have,) a glitchy as hell auto attack that’s a pain to “aim”, a blind, (which is a bit useful, however a bit strange,) a fire wall for area denial and damage over time. The main problem here is the auto attack and its damage output. The damage just isn’t that high, and it’s overall a pain to tell where the fire is hitting, and where it’s going to hit. You can hit enemies that aren’t anywhere near the flame, hit enemies inside the flame as intended, or completely and utterly miss. Why even bother using this kit compared to the Bomb kit? There’s nothing it has that the Bomb kit doesn’t do better, including a blind, cripple, and confuse. (There’s your area denial, firewall.) Please, give this kit some love. I hate it, personally, but it is in deperate need of some viability.