Hello all, id like to start by saying thanks to Anet for producing such a great game and giving Nick the traveler and Prof Yakking a suitable grave.
Hunting for Nick weekly was one of the things i enjoyed doing in guild wars with that in mind i would like to make a suggestion for a daily/weekly event,
I call it Karma Chameleons, the idea is like nick you have to go out and find them but they should blend in slightly with the landscape they are in, i was thinking there should be 1 in each low level starting zone and 1 for higher end players.
They should reward things like tonics and karma, perhaps not the most original idea and the rewards would obviously have to be sorted out but with how well the map is design and all those little nooks and crannies to hide in it would be a good way for anet to further show off all the little gems they have created.
Please post and let me know what you all think – thank you for your time.