A proposed solution to the endgame/DR problem

A proposed solution to the endgame/DR problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tracedragon.2384


From what I’ve noticed, the biggest problem in Guild Wars 2’s endgame seems to be the fact that most level 80 players stay in Orr/Frostgorge Sound. This occurs because the only relevant rewards and drops are from these zones. Since the areas are so limited and have little creature diversity, we get hit by diminishing returns very quickly.

My proposed solution is a “hard mode”, where you could go through level 80 versions of the lower-leveled zones. Players could walk around the world, and get level 80 drops, karma, gold, and mats. Monsters and DEs would be scaled appropriately to level 80 players.

There are very few people who currently use the downleveling system for solo play. This is due to the fact that the drops are subpar, and doing events gets you very little gold and karma. If you just increased the rewards of the downleveling system, then most people would leave Orr/Frostgorge and just camp the low level zones, because you can one/two shot every mob.

If you added hard mode, all the level 80 players would naturally spread out, and there would be a lot more to do in endgame.

Also, add boss rush DE chains. Personally, I liked the Straits of Devestation farm route. Running around with a huge group of people killing bosses is a fairly enjoyable way to farm, and different from most other MMOs. I think you should add more “boss rush circuits” like these. Implement them as meta-events, and make them challenging, open-world raids that anyone can join.

A proposed solution to the endgame/DR problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


I like the idea but it’s kind of like putting a band-aid on an open jugular vein wound. Much more effective to just close the wound (get rid of DR). Also, depending on how their zones are built it doesn’t seem like it would be very technically feasible in terms of the amount of work required.

A proposed solution to the endgame/DR problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arewn.2368


Another great solution is a little something I like to call “the game is a month old and hasn’t had any content patches yet”.
Ya see, the idea behind this one is that it’s a brand new game, and an MMORPG at that, so the content pool still hasn’t had time to grow through patches. But down the line when new content patches and expansions have come there will be a wealth of content out to chose from and you won’t feel so limited like you do with the current two max level zones.

Honestly the OP idea isn’t bad though, something along the lines of a hardmode overflow server so to speak. You hop into it and everything is scaled to Orr level of difficulty, and by extent rewards.

A proposed solution to the endgame/DR problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: Light.4950


I don’t ever post on these forums, till now (I’m usually in Tyria). I’m going to state this as simply and as coherently as possible:

We are level 80. We will go where the money and loot is, because we have goals and time constraints.

Adjust scaling in the sub-80 zones to be challenging for 80 players, whilst simultaneously making the rewards appropriate (on par with Orr).

Being able to go to ANY of your beautiful and scintillating zones without the drawbacks of garbage loot would make acquiring resources at 80 a joy.

I am saddened by the fact that I cannot traverse the beauty of Tyria without “kittening” my potential ingame income.

Please Anet, do the right thing and diversify our experience at 80 (amassing karma and gold) before everyone quits of boredom from farming in the same two or three zones for weeks.

A proposed solution to the endgame/DR problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: GreyWraith.8394


There are very few people who currently use the downleveling system for solo play… gets you very little gold and karma… you can one/two shot every mob…

These thing sorta go together. I agree in general – characters should get rewards scaled to their level, but for that to be practical the downleveling system will have to make 80s weak enough that they can’t 1-2 shot everything. Or we could have hardmodes as you suggest. Either way, I definitely approve of this suggestion.

End of the Dream by Evanescence
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court

A proposed solution to the endgame/DR problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


I was exploring low level zones with my level 80 for a while then finally I decided not to continue. The biggest reason is, no matter how hard or how long you spent, you get the same down-scaled reward. Even you finally completed an event in a deep deserted cave which may have been ignored for hours or even days, you still receive the same reward. Even if you spent more than an hour to solo an escort event which is hard and gets stuck here and there, you get the same reward as jumping into the final 10 seconds of a simple ’kill a veteran mob" event.

Don’t try hard. Everyone gets the same. Sort of communist-like.
We need diversity for the rewards or everyone ends up in Orr, regardless of the side-kicking system urging you to go for low level zones.

A proposed solution to the endgame/DR problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: ButlerianHeretic.3251


It was before my time, but I’ve heard from oldtimers that when WoW was released, the level cap was 50 and the endgame content was Blackrock Depths. Also that you had to walk everywhere and it was uphill both ways…

Content does grow over time. It took a long time for Blizzard to build WoW.