A request for new minion models.

A request for new minion models.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaydee.8143


What I’d like to accomplish with this is a largely responded, and viewed topic so that maybe the devs will take a look.

What I want from you viewers? Please log in and make a comment giving your likes dislikes and ideas for how to revamp the Minion skins. (They had better be working on the AI for necro pets hardcore or there will be blood.)

Personally I think they look pretty lazy. The flesh golem in gw2 looked MUCH more fierce and with a very similar idea behind it. The one we have looks like an Alien from the movie Alien only turned inside out. That is unnacceptable.

Why do my Bone minions just look like rats with a skull? Should’t they be some kind of Almost completely Bone creature with very little in the way of flesh or meat? More bones=more shrapnel when they explode too.
Flesh Wurm and Shadow Fiend are acceptable but the shadow fiend could be much cooler than it is.
Blood Fiend isn’t terrible but it isn’t impressive at all either, there is also no blood, and it doesn’t look like something that particularly WANTS blood either.

Please. Comment and leave your own thoughts on how things could be improved and why you’re disappointed or pleased with how Minions turned out.

~Naught Foral

(edited by Jaydee.8143)

A request for new minion models.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MoonlitDNC.4521


I agree…..I’ve noticed since around beta that they’ve looked fairly boring. Even if they were to leave the minions as they are now, I still wouldn’t mind a way to get alternate variations of them since two or more Necros in the same room all have the same minions out.

~ Pretty little fan of Guild Wars 1 since its release ~
= 80 Hu Necro | 33 Hu Thief | 26 Nn Ranger =

A request for new minion models.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aexrael.5918


There’s any number of Risen models they could have used, or should use, for Necromancer minions that are a thousand times more exciting than the ones available now.


Dzhudin Stormbreak
Risen Corrupter
Risen Knight
Risen Plaugebearer 1
Risen Plaugebearer 2
Risen Subjugator
Risen Wizard
Avatar of Grenth

There’s even some models in the Mad King’s World which are cool.

A request for new minion models.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaydee.8143


Exactly They did so well with other creatures and people I don’t understand why our pets are so unsatisfying

A request for new minion models.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


The pets look like that because its how they looked in the first. Although ill give you some of them are not there former glory. For example the elite.

A request for new minion models.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SkyCakeLight.3750


I think it would be great if they added a toggle for minion looks. So, the players that like the way they look now can keep them. But, have a menu for changing the appearance of minions. Maybe like two more models of each would be nice. Create more diversity and make Necro’s feel more unique. The more variety, the better.