A solution to solving a few world problems

A solution to solving a few world problems

in Suggestions

Posted by: chedder.6302


As you go through the forums a few things keep coming up:
2)Server Transfers
3)Low Population


1)BAN the #$^%$&%&$#^%&$^*%#$%^&Bots
a) This will allow server space to free up spaces for actual players to use

2)After mass ban of bots wait 1 week allow for real players to settle in a server they really want to be in

a) I have a few friends who would like to come to SoS server but its always full but constantly see bots and gold sellers taking up space for legitimate players.

b) After 1 week no more free server transfers its hurting wvw I also saw a mass exodus of players for HoD server and it doesn’t look nearly as competitive as it used to

c) Finish incorporating the guest option

3) These two will fix a lot of gripes a lot of people and will help with low population making the game a bit more enjoyable again

President of Believegate

A solution to solving a few world problems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vitu.3580


BAN THE BOTS!!!!!!!!

A solution to solving a few world problems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sniku.6837


ban the bots for the good of the players and game

A solution to solving a few world problems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dobi.4168
