A suggestion to fix the SP bugs. It's really simple Arena Net.

A suggestion to fix the SP bugs. It's really simple Arena Net.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LordXy.4278


Seriously guys, the bugged SP’s are still broken even after 3 weeks. That isn’t a short amount of time you know? have you guys really been doing anything to fix it? It seems to get fixed every restart but after a few days, it will become bugged again. I cannot complete my world completion because of this.

A lot of players are already complaining. I just wish you guys would fix it ASAP. and if you can’t ? then atleast do a daily server restart to quick fix these said bugs.

A lot of us can’t wait for another whole week just to get a few skill points. Really guys. A quick daily server restart would benefit us all and it should only take a few minutes of your lives.

A suggestion to fix the SP bugs. It's really simple Arena Net.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Halvaard.1034


Or a weekly reset/server maintenance.
Take them down for an hour, do backups or w/e you guys do, skillpoints for everyone.

A suggestion to fix the SP bugs. It's really simple Arena Net.

in Suggestions

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


So uh, not to invalidate your complaint, because it is valid, the SPs ARE broken, but have you read the patch notes?

The ones where they’ve stated multiple times that they’re trying to fix the SPs?

Ya, they’re still broken, ya it sucks, but your first paragraph is unnecessarily inflammatory towards the devs and programmers. They’re trying. You might not think they’re trying hard enough, but I mean, yay complex game system with hundreds of thousands of variables (aka players) messing with your ability to predict things?

Decent idea, but it’s been posed before and also in much nicer ways in the past.

A suggestion to fix the SP bugs. It's really simple Arena Net.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Opt.3714


It’s more resilient than you think. After the patch I went to Cursed Shore to get the last skill challenge I need there and arrived just in time to see the NPC bug out. Instead of awarding the skill point when we defeated him he reset himself to full health and continued attacking us. This happened repeatedly until he simply disappeared. As I was filing a bug report he reappeared—and worked!—about 10 minutes later.

It’s inconvenient that they’re bugged but let’s keep things in perspective. There is plenty of other stuff to do and nobody is going to ragequit the game because they can’t get that last handful of skill points right now.

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A suggestion to fix the SP bugs. It's really simple Arena Net.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LordXy.4278


Well I know a lot who already did, well not quit but took a rest. I have partied with a lot of people in game and I add some of them as friends. Most of them are bored at the game already because they already have full exotics and the wvwvw in our server is crap. The world completion is one the things that makes this game worth playing if you’re bored as hell in doing repetitive dungeons and going to wvwvw just to waste your money on repair cost.

I admit that my first paragraph is kinda rude towards dev. I’m sorry for that, Anger just took over me I guess. But that’s not really what’s important here.

Let’s just say that these SP bugs are really persistent and no matter what the devs do, they keep on coming back. I suggest a simple quick fix like a daily server restarT ( which won’t take longer than 5mins) to at least reset the skill point npcs.

This way, the people who are trying to do their map completion quest will not have to wait for 7days just to get the SP’s they’re missing.

A suggestion to fix the SP bugs. It's really simple Arena Net.

in Suggestions

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Like I said, your suggestion was great, the tone was just not exactly the most welcoming if a dev looked over this. People are fallible and if we see something that is percieved as an attack, we’re less likely to take it seriously.

But anyway, I agree. A daily reset might not be the worst idea while they’re still ironing these out.