Ability to Pan Camera Upwards

Ability to Pan Camera Upwards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thereon.3495


The current camera shows a lot of the floor which is a great idea because you can see a lot of the AOE damage spots around your character. But certain circumstances you might not need or want to see AOE circles on the floor because this causes an issue- the name tag of the boss/large mob youre fighting obscures the boss/mob itself, even with the highest resolution and the smallest UI available.

Now I bet youre thinking….so? Well in my opinion boss fights could be made more epic with a very simple addition to the options panel- the ability to move your camera to a higher plane. This would be a slider just like the slider that moves the camera to the left and right (already in the game) and would allow more of the boss to be seen. This could also come in handy with bosses that throw/shoot projectiles as you would be able to see them more clearly. The current ‘zooming out’ of the camera for large boss events is great but it doesnt sort the issue of the fact youre still seeing a hell of a lot of floor!

Another plus point of this slider would be screenshots. I tried to run a guild screenshot event in game where a large group of the guild got together in themed attire. Trying to take the screenshot was a nightmare as, even with the HUD hidden, the camera kept hitting the floor and zooming all the way in, cutting out the guild members on either side. This slider would enable you to remove the floor and see all members as well as more of the background.

Thereon Avenrise – former [Noes] Officer – Piken Square (EU)
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!

Ability to Pan Camera Upwards

in Suggestions

Posted by: soundbyte.7619



I think it would be great to have this option just when you’re running around maps in PvE. This game has stunning landscapes and it’s a shame we can’t fully appreciate them right now with the limitations the camera angle has.

Ability to Pan Camera Upwards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thereon.3495


I think no one can doubt that one of the games strengths is the visuals. I just feel that with the camera as it is a lot of these visuals are lost. I find myself running around maps looking at the floor because each time I look up I zoom into my characters backside!

A slider would be amazing and would change this. It also doesnt seem to be hard to implement. What would be even better would be a 1st person mode. Maybe limit it to ‘out-of-combat’ to avoid the issues fighting in 1st person would bring but yeh, it would make for some epic screenshots and even more epic adventures as you actually explore maps instead of just running from point to point gathering WPs and POIs.

Thereon Avenrise – former [Noes] Officer – Piken Square (EU)
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!

Ability to Pan Camera Upwards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Boryzz.6352


Yeah, it’s been bothering me since the beta version. Sure it’s quite useful but sometimes the space between character’s feet and skillbar is just unnecessarily large. I often have only a huge stripe of land there that I don’t need/don’t want to see. I’d rather be able to pan the camera a bit up to see more of the sky instead.