Ability to buy a level for 15 skill points

Ability to buy a level for 15 skill points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Semicolonkid.4620


I think we need a skill point sink. Currently, there’s not really any great way to convert your skill points into much money, and I think there’s a massive surplus of skill points due to all the champ farming that produces Scrolls of Knowledge.

So, I think it would be a good idea to be able to convert 15 skill points into one character level for my alts. This price is just a suggestion, of course. I’d just like a way to put these skill points to good use, and I think this would be a fun option.

Alternatively, it would be flavorful and achieve more-or-less the same goal if you could combine a fair amount of Scrolls of Knowledge to create 1 Tome of Knowledge (which increases your level by 1).

Ability to buy a level for 15 skill points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gieniusz Krab.8259

Gieniusz Krab.8259

Exactly, skill points are useless (If you bought all skills). Time to make it useful!

Ability to buy a level for 15 skill points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


So… you first state that there is a massive surplus of skills… And then you propose that you could use them to level up characters.

That looks like a very thinly veiled “I want free levels for my characters!”

Can’t say I would agree to that. Now, if you instead proposed being able to buy Scrolls of Knowledge for a handful of skillpoints (such as the proposed 15), that I could get behind.

Ability to buy a level for 15 skill points

in Suggestions

Posted by: TechKid.4208


I think this is a good idea!!!!!!

Ability to buy a level for 15 skill points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mel.8769


15 skill points : 1 level seems like a very low ratio, too low IMO

There are plenty of skill point sinks in the game. Example – converting siege into superior
I dropped 100 SP into converting last night.

Common sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden. -Unknown

Ability to buy a level for 15 skill points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Semicolonkid.4620


Sure, I’d be fine with upping the price to 30 or maybe even 50. Not sure I’d wanna buy one beyond that though.
Olba, I’m not sure I understand how your suggestion is any different from mine.

Ability to buy a level for 15 skill points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


Sure, I’d be fine with upping the price to 30 or maybe even 50. Not sure I’d wanna buy one beyond that though.
Olba, I’m not sure I understand how your suggestion is any different from mine.

Well, how about the part where Scroll of Knowledge grants 1 skillpoint rather than a levelup? Basically, it would allow you to transfer surplus skillpoints to alts that might need them at some arbitrary conversion rate.

Ability to buy a level for 15 skill points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Semicolonkid.4620


Oh, I see. I don’t think that’s really quite so necessary, because this surplus that I speak of comes mainly from the scrolls of knowledge themselves, which you can already transfer to your other characters.

Ability to buy a level for 15 skill points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


Oh, I see. I don’t think that’s really quite so necessary, because this surplus that I speak of comes mainly from the scrolls of knowledge themselves, which you can already transfer to your other characters.

Well that can be dealt with by simply reducing the drop rate of those scrolls.

On the other hand, the 400+ skill points on my Warrior from playing over a year? Yeah, not so much.

Ability to buy a level for 15 skill points

in Suggestions

Posted by: GrimHero.5140


So… you first state that there is a massive surplus of skills… And then you propose that you could use them to level up characters.

That looks like a very thinly veiled “I want free levels for my characters!”

Can’t say I would agree to that. Now, if you instead proposed being able to buy Scrolls of Knowledge for a handful of skillpoints (such as the proposed 15), that I could get behind.

Why would you even care if its implemented , its only convinience.

Free levels? How do you mainly get skillpoints? By actually leveling. This is just a way to ‘transfer’ levels/xp that would be mostly useless for your main to alts. New people still would have to level their first or second characters before they could get any decent use out of it. The levels arent ‘free’ in any way.

Your suggestion is redundant. People can just transfer the scrolls themselves through the bank. And with queensdale/frostgorge champtrain around who would even buy scrolls?

Imo this is a very good suggestion which would make the game alt-friendlier without spending hours at a crafting station but instead actually playing the game.