Ability to change trait builds

Ability to change trait builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: dennie.9237


So, if you want to be, for example, support/tank warrior and berserker, time to time, it would be great if we’ll have an ability to save Trait sets at trainers/retrainers and quickly change between them.

Ability to change trait builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


Well, how would you price it?

Consider the following:

  1. It should be at least 3.5 silver
  2. It should account for the convenience of not needing to go to Lion’s Arch
  3. As guideline of that convenience, consider the free waypointing to LA and the fact that the highest waypoint cost in the game is <5 silver one-way

That brings issues, as for some people, the price of paying that <5 silver to waypoint to LA instantly is worth the convenience, whereas for others its not. So currently the costs of retraiting is either 3.5 silver, <8.5 silver or <13.5 silver, depending on the individual.

(edited by Olba.5376)

Ability to change trait builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


Well, how would you price it?

Consider the following:

  1. It should be at least 3.5 silver
  2. It should account for the convenience of not needing to go to Lion’s Arch
  3. As guideline of that convenience, consider the free waypointing to LA and the fact that the highest waypoint cost in the game is <5 silver one-way

That brings issues, as for some people, the price of paying that <5 silver to waypoint to LA instantly is worth the convenience, whereas for others its not. So currently the costs of retraiting is either 3.5 silver, <8.5 silver or <13.5 silver, depending on the individual.

I’d price it with gems. Anet wins doing this, if they let you buy as many talent pages as you want. This gives them an incentive to make it accountbound, too.

I’d make it free in sPvP though, since you can already respec limitlessly in it, you’re only making the UI worse for an already neglected part of the game otherwise.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Ability to change trait builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Respekt.2314



well i think idea is nice, but why you should pay for something like that? I mean why whole trait pages? I think idea in original GW1 was great. Templates in .txt files, that save into your documents and you can load them with small icon. I dont know why it is not in GW2 when it was so great in GW1. There was template for skills and for equipment in PvP. And ye sure, i know it is about money and as those guys said if anet wants money from that, then there could be some limit unlockable by gems…

But PLEASE give us templates.

Thanks and have a nice day everyone.

Ability to change trait builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


I don’t see any problem with how things are at the moment, ~3.5 to ~8 silver (valuges taken from Olba’s post above) to re-trait is an extremely trivial cost at level 80. And time-wise it’s minimal too. Reset your traits, then set them out again how you like them and time it. It takes literally ~ 1 minute to sort them out again. The whole process of going from point A, back to a trainer to re-trait and then returning to point A would probably be ~5 minutes.

I personally, tentatively, think this is just a a suggestion evolved from laziness/impatience.

Ability to change trait builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Respekt.2314


Ye and in GW1 it was same… You changed 8 skills and split 200 attribute points which everything was matter of 1 min maybe 2 min. But you had to be in town. And ye it is about laziness but i know alot of players that have 3 pvp character of same profesion, so they don’t have to set it up all the time, when they do 3 round tournaments.

And sure if you retrait once a month then i guess it is no problem. But if you want another build for each dungeon, map in pvp then it is annoying and time consuming. And switching weapons and stuff…

Ability to change trait builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Well, how would you price it?

Consider the following:

  1. It should be at least 3.5 silver
  2. It should account for the convenience of not needing to go to Lion’s Arch
  3. As guideline of that convenience, consider the free waypointing to LA and the fact that the highest waypoint cost in the game is <5 silver one-way

That brings issues, as for some people, the price of paying that <5 silver to waypoint to LA instantly is worth the convenience, whereas for others its not. So currently the costs of retraiting is either 3.5 silver, <8.5 silver or <13.5 silver, depending on the individual.

From the Lost city of Arah to Lions arch only runs me 3.6 silver, from Honor of the waves to Lions Arch it only cost me 3.8 silver.

So where are you getting this 5 silver from ?

Not to mention any starting zone and Racial city can do re-trait you don’t need to go to lions arch

(edited by Kaimick.5109)

Ability to change trait builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Invictus.1503


I created a thread on this a while back. Here is what I posted:

One thing I’d like to see as more and more builds are becoming viable (and others discovered) is a way to change builds with a little more freedom. Right now we have to go to a main city any time we want to change up our traits. However there are some builds that work great for general adventuring, but not so great in group events or big bosses, and vice versa. However both have their place and are fun.
I’d like to see one of two things:
1) The easy way – rather than having to go to the trait man/woman every time you want to respec, simply have them sell a stackable item for the same price (or a little more for convenience) that when used anywhere will perform the same function of resetting your traits. If needed, restrictions could be placed like it can’t be used in battle or what-not.
2) More ideal, but would require more game coding – implement a system similar to GW1 that lets you save builds. It would be nice to be able to save a build, and then click it to set your skills, traits, and possibly armor set (different builds often require carrying two armor sets if switched). Again, I’m fine with a monetary cost involved whether in gems or in silver/gold for the opportunity to unlocking this or on each switch.

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

Ability to change trait builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xion.5694


I love the idea of trait save/switching. It’s one of things that are really lacking in GW. I hope that devs will implement such a thing soon!

Ability to change trait builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wesnoth.1705


THis would be really op with many gear sets in stock unless it cost beast

What you must learn in gw2 is to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6npO-NoOPOg

Ability to change trait builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


Ye and in GW1 it was same… You changed 8 skills and split 200 attribute points which everything was matter of 1 min maybe 2 min. But you had to be in town. And ye it is about laziness but i know alot of players that have 3 pvp character of same profesion, so they don’t have to set it up all the time, when they do 3 round tournaments.

And sure if you retrait once a month then i guess it is no problem. But if you want another build for each dungeon, map in pvp then it is annoying and time consuming. And switching weapons and stuff…

I do know what you’re saying, and really you have weight to your argument if you think along the lines of what Anet touted profusely before the game launched: Which was along the lines of spending more time playing and enjoying the game rather than time ‘wasted’ travelling, grinding, <insert any number of mundane tasks here>, etc etc. So you certainly have something to back up your suggestion

Ability to change trait builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: SandRaker.7594


Bear in mind that not all of us have high or upper mid range PCs, too (and for a uni student, that’s not likely to get updated that soon either), so having to port back to somewhere else just for that 1 thing will consume additional time due to longer loading times (I spend at least a couple of minutes or more waiting for an area to load up, depending on population count). I figure I’m in the minority with this, though. :/

But the idea of being able to respec on the fly and save/load builds is IMO something that really ought to come back.

It honestly made preparing for just about anything in GW1 that did need a different build actually pleasant, and build prototyping became a fun side activity as a result. And the respec cost is silly since it’s absolutely negligible. It basically has no point existing at high levels and for newer players it will discourage experimentation to a degree.