Ability to /follow party member

Ability to /follow party member

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mithion.1830


Exactly as my title suggestions. Ability to type in /follow when a party member is targeted to start auto-following them. Or right-click their portrait (either on the party menu listing or on the target bar) and click Follow Player.


“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”

Ability to /follow party member

in Suggestions

Posted by: Retrospek.4583


/follow isn’t the same as botting. It’s apparent that not having this feature for bots didn’t deter them from running in clusters.

However, it does make it so people who play the game as intended can follow their friends around more easily. There’s already a ton of games that offer this feature (even one that is quite horrible with many common features lacking that has this feature built in).

I for one, would like to see this added as well. +1

Ability to /follow party member

in Suggestions

Posted by: Catisa.6507


Because Botting isn’t easy enough?

Huh? http://tinyurl.com/875svcr

I can assure you that implementing a /follow type command is in no way going to assist or hinder botters. Though it will assist me when I have to run downstairs for a beer refill.

So you can set yourself on follow, your friend goes and caps a few events/towers/camps/keeps whatever and because you were on follow you get a reward you did nothing to earn? (yes I know people do nothing to help take an objective and just run in at the last minute and still get a reward, but at least they were at the keyboard)

As long as this game has rewards for simply standing in circles, things like /follow should not exist.


Ability to /follow party member

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I would like this as well since our daughter plays with us and she has trouble navigating.
It would be awesome if she could focus on playing, rather that just walking.

Gunnar’s Hold