About ascended armor's

About ascended armor's

in Suggestions

Posted by: MacroJames.8049


Just like the title says, not all ascended armor’s look that grand sometimes. Some are pretty well thought out such but then there are those which I think “really? Is that how I want my character to look like?”.
For example, medium armor for males. They look a bit to silly, and yes I have considered the Transmutating as an option but then its like saying “look I have ascended armor but I just dislike it and putted a normal skin of a lvl 1 armor over it, just because it looked better then this thing that costed me sweat, blood, money and time” while I just want it to be “Look at me, I am fabulous!” the females have so far the best looking ascended armor, especially the light and heavy armor’s.
Any thoughts about this? I am certain that there are some that agree and a probability that there will be disagreements, but that is just how I feel about it. For me it looks like a waste when you can do so much more Anet.

About ascended armor's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pip.2094


My only thought is that it would have been way more dignified of them not to add Ascended armor at all, mostly since it looks like just an excuse to force people to buy Transmutation stones and Gem store skins.
But that’s my opinion. Like the fact I find heavy armor for females really horrid, apart from so too little details that look pleasant.


About ascended armor's

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


I’m going to have to side on the majority of armor designs in this game were to promote transmutation stone sales. There really are only a handful I like out of hundreds of options, most of it is too bulky or busy with excessive ‘detail’. I personally don’t like the look of any of the ascended gear, male or female. Almost makes me think the devs design the armor to what they, personally, think is good looking and stick it in without any peer review what-so-ever. And the fire aura armor just annoyed me, it was basically retextures of armor we already had. That laziness didn’t fly for me with the armor in GWEN, but apparently they thought it was popular… not. It was a requirement to boost your GW2 account and that’s probably a big reason why a lot of GW1 players went after them.

Saddly they really shouldn’t have done it that way. If they’d made a butt load of more attractive armor sets then I would buy more trans stones as I went back and forth on what I liked.

(edited by Kentaine.4692)