About the main city

About the main city

in Suggestions

Posted by: SblatHUN.6025


Hi there!

Probably if u go your starting city, u see a bunch of NPC,5-10 player and thats all…
What about make more “activities” to all capital city?(Just like the Charr one).

Or any good thing what u can buy for you
Or for the guild?
(example: ‘Legendary’ bakery which sell ur goods which created by you.)

Or personal made events? (just need to choose what type do u want to start, and probably people can gather and do it.)

I know, Now all about the event which coming, but this question not for this year.
Maybe ANET u should implement one of these in the future.

(edited by SblatHUN.6025)

About the main city

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlakThornArrow.2389


Or add a hunting tavern to the game where every week there will be posters with x hunts for certain creature’s which can then lead to event chains like bounty hunting sorta speak

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About the main city

in Suggestions

Posted by: Plunder.8195


What about make more “activities” to all capital city?(Just like the Charr one).

There is something in the charr one?

I would like to see a DR-pub crawl activity ;-)

Some thought provoking quote

About the main city

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smudge.3874


Or add a hunting tavern to the game where every week there will be posters with x hunts for certain creature’s which can then lead to event chains like bounty hunting sorta speak

I like the sound of this, but expanding on the Bounty Hunting… How about when accepting the quest from these, it gives you a “this person/creature was last seen in this area” message, from there you would have to go to the area and question the scouts or NPC’s in the area to try and track them down.