#Abridged, Dynamic Events!

#Abridged, Dynamic Events!

in Suggestions

Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067


This thread is also linked with several other threads! Please make sure to read them all!

#Abridged, Improve Combat System!
#Abridged, Titles and their Purposes!
>The following is a project I am working on to improve the otherwise stale events implemented in the game.
>This is not a poll, nor is it about being right or wrong. This is simply me putting out my research and ideas and allowing people to provide their input, as I compile a petition to get an over-all sense of what people feel and want.
>After this step, and after the petition is finished, I will then move on to submitting my finished proposal to Anet for use in a future update or expansion, should they like what I have come up with.
>Everything contained in the thread, is a conglomeration of ideas from other members of the community, as well as my own.
>Please only leave constructive, educated comments in this thread. Leave “Learn to play, get a life, etc” comments in your head.
>This draft has originated from the previous thread:

Which, you are more than welcome to read at your own leisure. Keep in my that the previous thread was a thinking-out-loud thread, and is neither perfectly organized, nor refined, or even 100% on a specific topic in itself. So please do not waste thread space commenting about it’s length in this thread.

Thank you!

(edited by LanceHavenbay.2067)

#Abridged, Dynamic Events!

in Suggestions

Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067



  • -Branch Dynamic events out, similar to dungeons, allowing them to have different outcome and chains, rather than repeating in a constant cycle.

Here is an example of an event chain that I am designing:

  • “Defend the Farm” -Do it. :P
    >If prevented
    “Robbers en route.”
    -Bandits move to trade route and attack travelers
    OR (The game randomly chooses one of these)
    “Underneath your noses.”
    -Bandits dig underground and sneak attack the farm, setting it on fire. Originally, it was suspected to be an accident. But when doing the event, you find out that the fire was caused by bandits.
  • >If bandits driven from trade route
    “Assualt on fort [outpost name.]”
    -Bandits assualt a keep and contest the outpost.
    >If bandits sneak attack the farm
    “Friendly fire?”
    -Put out fire. Upon putting out the fire, the bandits ambush the farm again and you must defend it. (Very similar to the first even.)
  • If the game causes bandits to sneak attack the farm two times in a row, and you prevent the second attempt, the bandits will skip right to the “Traitors” stage.
  • “Traitors”
    >Not an event, but it can be witnessed happening.
    >You will hear talk about rebellion to the queen, and will see bandits occasionally walk in casually without guards caring, and proceed to talk to a guard about overthrowing the keep.
    >If traitors is triggered by the “Friendly Fire” event, the keep guards will be assassinated by bandits.
    >Although you can prevent these assassinations from occurring, they will happen throughout the fort, continuously, until the keep is taken.

  • >If bandits remain on trade route
    “The rebellion of [town name.]"
    -Nearby towns become anxious because of the bandit activity and citizens begin to join the bandits.
    >If citizens join rebellion, a second route will become occupied by bandits.
    (This effect will only last until the first route is cleared, OR the keep is recaptured.)
  • If citizens are anxious for too long, they joing the bandits and overthrow the keep in a riot.The bandits will then contest the outpost.

  • >If outpost is contested
    “Retake the keep.”
    -Queen Salma calls for military support to recapture the outpost
    -Outpost is recaptured, or remains contested. (If this outpost is contested, there will be two routes with increased bandit activity, and players will not be able to access the outpost’s waypoint or it’s npcs.)
  • This makes events worth while to play, because they have consequences. Because difficulty is scales, a solo player can still accomplish events as always. Events should not always be beatable. You should fail sometimes. It is what makes you want to keep playing.

This event would branch into another event which can occur at the same time:

  • >If centaurs have control of human territory
    (Humans are losing the war with the centaurs.)
    -Centaurs will aid in the overthrow of the keep. This makes it important to keep bandits at bay, as well as centaurs in check.
  • >If centaurs do not have control of the territory, (Humans are winning the war with the centaurs.)
    -Offer a treaty between the centaur if they help you regain the keep.

Now you have two events that can come together to make the first more dynamic.The second event does not need to be as complex, because it is more of an asset than a necessity. Recruiting the centaurs may take slightly longer than simply overtaking the keep, but will be easier than simply attacking the keep solo. Recruiting the centaurs can be done solo and may require a player to find a cure for a centaur disease that makes their hoofs painfully rot. “Hoof Rot.” If you lack manpower, this is a much more productive way of completing the group-event “Retake the keep.”

(edited by LanceHavenbay.2067)