Accessibilty option for the color blind

Accessibilty option for the color blind

in Suggestions

Posted by: eroombob.3482


Please add an accessibilty option for the color blind. Both of my sons are color blind and love your game, but sometimes they suffer serious disadvantages due to your color choices. The other day my oldest son was participating in a gate siege in World vs. World, and he continually stood inside enemies’ red circles on the ground. I kept telling him, “You’re standing in a red circle!” He just got frustrated and said, “I can’t see them.”

Providing an option that changes the red circles to BLUE should solve this problem for color blind people (7% of males). Or even changing the TONE of the circle so it is lighter or darker than the ground might do it too.

Another feature that might not be accessible to the color blind is the green/red target symbols for siege weapons. For example, when operating an arrow cart and moving the target symbol around the ground, the only thing that tells you you’re out of range is that the green symbol turns red. I’m not sure if my sons can see this, but if the tones of the green and red are the same, they probably can’t. A simple fix would be to change the SHAPE of the target symbol when it changes color.

LOVE the game, especially World vs. World. Please enable my sons to love it as much.

Accessibilty option for the color blind

in Suggestions

Posted by: humfrid.2615


+1 to the above.

I’m (red-green) colour blind myself and the red circles are almost impossible for me to see most of the time. Even when someone points them out to me, there are situations, when I just can’t see them at all, like e.g. the red circle symbols for the traps in the level 30 dungeon.

For colour blind people like me, the problem often manifests itself when the brightness level of 2 colours is very similar. E.g. dark red circles on a dark dungeon floor. I don’t know if its possible to take the colour of the floor into account when determinating the colour of the warning circles. If it is, then the solution suggested by eroombob would be great, i.e. make the circles brighter on dark floors and darker on light floors. Otherwise, maybe it would be possible to let the player choose the colour of the circles in the option menu, so colour blind people could choose a more appropriate one.

If this could be solved, I would be extremely thankful!

Accessibilty option for the color blind

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mighty Assasin.3816

Mighty Assasin.3816

This is a great idea.

The Prestige [pTg]

Accessibilty option for the color blind

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mimir.4690


I’m not visually impaired, but I definitely don’t see any problem with ANet implementing this into the game. I completely support it!

Accessibilty option for the color blind

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arilin.8716


I agree.
It isn’t hard to make.
And every improvement for disabled people (well, colorblind is a kind of disability imo) is good.
There was one topic about that already, i hope ArenaNet will do something about this ASAP

Accessibilty option for the color blind

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mardermann.7468


Good idea from Bob/Humfrid

Accessibilty option for the color blind

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weeeey.7045


Great idea. Simple to implement into the game via options menu I would think.

Accessibilty option for the color blind

in Suggestions

Posted by: Atomic Sharks.7250

Atomic Sharks.7250

+1 great idea this would be a real cool implement to the game

Accessibilty option for the color blind

in Suggestions

Posted by: penguingirl.3206


/signed….this should be addressed.